Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression – Overview
Stop the Leonard Cohen Concert in Israel
Take10 minutes to send a letter to concert endorser Amnesty International and signan open letter to Leonard Cohen ACTION 1: TellAmnesty International that Entertaining Apartheid Israel Deserves No Amnesty! ISSUEDBY:  ThePalestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), Adalah-NY:The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East , Boycott! Supporting the PalestinianBDS Call from Within ... Stop the Leonard Cohen Concert in Israel
Entertaining Apartheid Israel Deserves No Amnesty!
In May, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic andCultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) called on singer/songwriterLeonard Cohen to heed the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott of Israel and avoid complicity withIsrael's violations of international law by cancelling his planned Septemberconcert in Israel, particularly in view of Israel's war crimes in Gaza earlierthis year. Sadly, according to a July28 article in the Jerusalem Post, AmnestyInternational USA has agreed to cooperate with Cohen in dealing with Israel on thebasis of business as usual. Amnesty International USA will serve as sponsor ofa new fund that will whitewash the money raised at Cohen's concert in Israelby using it to finance programs for "peace."  Being one of the world's strongestproponents of human rights and international law, you shall thus be subverting a non-violent, effectiveeffort by Palestinian and international civil society to end Israel's violations ofinternational law and human rights principles.  We call on you to be true to your valuesand immediately withdraw support for Leonard Cohen's ill-conceived concert in Israel.
IJAN Bulletin – July 2009
Our July bulletin is available here for mailing or downloading.



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities