Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression – Overview
Take Action: Bay Area Stands in Solidarity with Gaza Freedom March
Join us to commemorate one yearsince the Israeli attack on Gaza. As part of the InternationalCoalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza the Gaza Freedom March, BayArea – needs your help to break the inhumane siege, which has been inplace since 2007.   Although the Israeli tanks have left, attacks stilloccur – while the complete siege and closure of the borders continue.

Gaza Memorial, Interfaith Service

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Union Square, San Francisco

CandlelightVigil to remember the 1,400 men, women and children killed in theattack on Gaza. Dec. 27 will mark the first anniversary of the Israeliattack and invasion of the Gaza Strip.

Gaza Freedom March

Thursday, December 31, 2009
Golden Gate Bridge

Park and meet at south end of thebridge parking lot and march together across the bridge. We will endthe year by marching alongside the Palestinian people of Gaza in anon-violent demonstration that breaches the illegal blockade.

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Click "Read More" for the list of sponsors.


DOCUMENTARY FILM “Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund”
Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund" is a 40-minute documentary chronicling stories of al-Nakba survivors, interviews with their descendants the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees, and the current and growing resistance to the ongoing colonization of Palestine facilitated in large part by the Jewish National Fund.
Argentina Chapter
IJAN Argentina participa junto al Comité Argentino de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino (COARSPP) en campañas de denuncia y protesta contra las políticas de limpieza étnica y apartheid israelí. IJAN Argentina participates in the Committee of Solidarity with the Palestinian People of Argentina (COARSPP), which consists of dozens of grassroots anti-imperialist and human rights organizations in Argentina.



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities