Education and Training – Overview

About Us

Our building in Morocco has just begun.  The experiences of Moroccan Jews remind us ofthe great majority of Jewish history in Northern Africa and the Middle East in which Jews lived as an integral part ofsociety without persecution and in co-existence with their neighbors.

The work of the network in Morocco will be developed and thewebsite updated in the next several months.


About Us

There are three main focuses for our work inPalestine-Israel: 1) supporting joint struggle against Israeli Apartheid andcolonialism between Mizrahi Jews and Palestinians inside of Israel and in thebroader region; 2) collaborating with Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctionefforts; and 3) Supporting the work of Palestinian organizations inside ofIsrael (’48).

IJAN prioritizes getting the voices andactivism of anti-Zionist Israelis out into the world and increasing the visibilityof Mizrahi experiences of displacement, discrimination and exploitation byZionism and Israel.

Regional Building

Israeli Network projects are still evolving, someideas include:

  • A digital storytelling project to document Mizrahi history and experiences of Israeli Apartheid to be used for a popular tribunal in Israel and also as testimony for tribunals in other locations; and
  • Organizing a popular tribunal that brings together testimony from Palestinians, Mizrahi and migrant workers against the State of Israel.
IJAN India

Launch Plans

The Charter is being translated into Hindi and Urdu andthere are public meetings being organized in Mumbai and Delhi for later in October.

About Us

While the growing relationship between Israel and Indiais a stark example of Israeland the United State’sdesire for new allies in the global South, Indiahas its own anti-colonial history of struggle and a rich legacy of solidaritywith Third World liberation movements. India's support to Palestine is part of this legacy and it waswoven into the very fabric & foundation of the Indian national liberationmovement itself.

The Global War on Terror has been relentlessin its propaganda and the subsequent demonization of Muslims and this is truefor the Islamophobia that exists within the Indian elite as well. Even though the Indian Brahmanicalcaste-class elite are in a close strategic partnership with Israel, thereis a growing people's movement that will challenge and ultimately defeatthis alliance.

Our work in Indiais part of defeating this alliance and bringing together the struggles againstIslamophobia and caste prejudice in India and Israeli Apartheid. Ourlead organizers in Indiainclude anti-Zionist Jewish and Muslim activists.

Regional Building

The India IJAN is preparing for a popular tribunalthat will hold to account the Indian investments and government partnershipswith Israel, document theimpact of a consistently rotating and significant post-service Israeli soldierpresence in India, and exposethe similarities between India’scaste system, Israeli racism against Mizrahi Jews, and the Israeli Apartheidagainst Palestinians.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities