Education and Training – Overview
Never Again for Anyone Tour in the Twin Cities (With Video)
This event was part of a 13-city Never Again for Anyone tour in commemoration of international Holocaust Remembrance Day.  On this tour, Dr. Hajo Meyer shared the lesson of his experience in Auschwitz: Never Again for Anyone. He was joined in several locations by UC Berkeley professor, Dr. Hatem Bazian, chairman of the American Muslims for Palestine, and other social justice and Palestinian activists to discuss the urgency of this message in the United States and Canada today.  The event in Twin Cities can be watched here:  Never Again for Anyone Tour, Twin Cities

In part 1, author, activist and Auschwitz survivor, Dr. Hajo Meyer on the wide difference between Zionism and Judaism, the disconnect between Judaism and the modern state of Israel and the role of “the Holocaust religion” in justifying the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Lakota activist Coya White Hat-Artichoker opens. Sara Kershnar of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network moderate

In part 2, American Muslims for Palestine’s Osama Abu-Irshaid discusses religious tolerance, Zionism and Islamophobia in current American context. Plus, Q and A session with Abu-Irshaid, Lakota activist Coya White Hat-Artichoker and Auschwitz survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer. (filmed Feb. 2011 in St. Paul, MN).

Both parts can be found here:

Remi Kanazi reads in Minneapolis
IJAN-Twin Cities co-sponsored Remi Kanazi's Minneapolis, Minnesota weekend. IJAN was honored to be invited by Mizna, the Twin Cities Arab American cultural, literary and arts organization, to be involved in the event. Remi is a poet, writer, and activist based in NYC, editor of Poets for Palestine, and author of Poetic Injustice: Writings on Resistance and Palestine. He is a recurring writer in residence and advisory board member for the Palestine Writing Workshop. On Saturday night, December 3rd, Remi read at the Loft Literary Center at Hear, Here: Indigenous Location, Politics and Poetry, part of the Equilibrium Series of spoken word artists of color. The next day, Remi lead a poetry writing and performing workshop. Members and supporters of IJAN valued the opportunity to be a part of this great weekend, and look forward to working with Mizna more in the future.
Block the Boat: Zim Ship Not Welcome in Ports Across the US & Canada
The Block the Boat actions in Oakland, Los Angeles, Tacoma/Seattle and Vancouver are yet another sign of the growing strength and success of the BDS movement against Israel. Led by Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) with participation from over 60 organizations, including IJAN, 3,000-4,000 marched on the Port of Oakland on August 16. The resulting picket line stopped dock workers from entering the port and unloading the ship. With the support of rank and file members of the local longshoreman union (ILWU Local 10), activists and community members prevented the Zim Piraeus from unloading for a historic four days. This is the longest blockade of an Israeli ship in history. Click here for more details on the picket.



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities