The 5th anniversary “South Africa yesterday, Israel today”

IJAN participated in the call for BDS and the "SouthAfrica yesterday, Israel today" demonstration with more than 50 solidarityorganizations in Spain.

IJAN Academic Statement

TheJewish anti-Zionist Academic Network (JAZAN) formed within the context of theInternational Jewish anti-Zionist Network in order to bolster academicparticipation in the Palestine solidarity movement broadly and withininstitutions of higher education in particular. As such, the academic network'spurposes and goals are multi-pronged.

Teachers,researchers and writers who work on university and college campuses engage withpolitical justice both ideologically in our own work and materially incollective struggle - as such, the academy is a site within which there ispotential for Zionist discourse to be de-legitimized and Zionist militarism tobe strategically opposed.

AsJewish anti-Zionist academics and as part of broader communities, we arecommitted to:

  • Broadening and deepening anti-Zionist discourse and putting forward alternative visions
  • Opposing the misuse of charges of anti-Semitism that frequently occur in an academic context
  • Supporting Palestinian, Arab, Middle Eastern and Muslim anti-imperialist faculty, staff and students
  • Working with students on campuses who are organizing in SJP chapters and engaging in BDS campaigns
  • Supporting students and faculty who are doing critical scholarship opposing US imperialism, racism and Zionism
  • Engaging in mutual teaching and lear ning through intellectual collaboration
  • Challenging academic hierarchies and forms of competition and refusing to police one another within the neo-liberal academy
  • Exposing how the policies and investments of the University are linked to Zionism and other violences
  • Articulating linkages to other ongoing critical forms of struggle, including solidarity with indigenous, black and anti-racist struggles, and struggles to abolish the military-prison-industrial-complex

Join us in the following projects planned for the next year:

- Developing a communications network of anti-Zionist Jewish peoplein the academy who can discuss our work and the broader politics of Jewishanti-Zionism in the PSM, while we connect and support one another

- Working on a collection of papers coming out of the US Assembly ofJews Confronting Israeli Apartheid and Racism

- Meeting and presenting at academic conferences, in such fields asEthnic Studies, American Studies, Sociology, Modern Languages, Feminist/QueerStudies, Middle East/North Africa Studies, and more

- Participation in writing articles, statements, analyses,background documents to support IJAN campaigns and work:

  • A campaign to challenge the Zionist exceptionalizing and exploitation of the Nazi genocide of Jews
  • A report to expose the Jewish National Fund and a series of papers on Jewish opposition to the Zionist construction of Jewish nationalism upon which the JNF is founded
  • Discussion of the principles and processes toward decolonizing Palestine that may allow for the emergence of a just society

You can contact us at


Picketing “Israel in the Gardens”

On June 7, IJAN was part of an action protesting the yearly Israel in the Gardens celebration of Israel at theYerba Buena Center in San Francisco. This year IJAN participated, with others, to makevisible the presence of Jewish people challenging the event’s theme ofStanding Proud in support of Israel. Some of our signs asked if Israelis proud, for example, of apartheid or ethnic cleansing. Other signs stated that we areproud to stand with Palestinian resistance.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities