The Tayyar International Conference has been organized as part ofthe founding process of the Progressive National Democratic Movement(PNDM - Tayyar).The Tayyar was initiated as a positive response to the need to reformthe Palestinian political system to continue the battle of nationalliberation and independence, and to effectively defend their legitimaterights and human dignities. Its members are from diverse backgroundsand are working within their parties or as independent activists oncommunity and national levels. The Tayyar sides with the issues of theworkers, the peasants and the poor, it struggles with the sons anddaughters of our people’s middle class, and it joins forces with allthose who fight corruption, which affects the interests of theoverwhelming majority of our people.The Tayyar is part of the Arab and international anti-imperialist andanti-Zionist movement for a new global order. More information can befound at
IJAN has submitted to the conference the following statement of support:
TheInternational Jewish anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) is a growing network of Jewswhose identities are not based on Zionism but on long histories of Jewishparticipation in liberation struggles from EasternEurope and Iraqto Brooklyn. IJAN's solidarity with thisconference reflects our commitment to these legacies and to our participationin current struggles against racism, colonization, and imperialism. Central tothis commitment is solidarity with Arab liberation struggles against USimperialism and Zionism.
Morespecifically, we stand in solidarity with Tayyar's commitment to resistance andliberation through "a national progressive democratic project based onpluralism, tolerance, and openness in a society which believes in socialjustice, equality between men and women as well as respect for human rights andpersonal and collective democratic freedoms." We support this historic effortto overcome the externally orchestrated divisions of Palestinian societybetween people living in the West Bank, Gaza,East Jerusalem, inside of Israeland in Diaspora.
April 19 is the date commemorating the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto in 1943;on April 20, the World Conference Against Racism begins. In conjunctionwith these two events, we are organizing this public discussion inorder to encourage, with the help of our panelists, a reflection on theexploitation of those Jews who were murdered in the Nazi genocide inservice of the continued colonization of Palestine. This discussionwill include reflections on our responsibilities towards this memory aswell as to Palestinian resistance to the ethnic cleansing that isjustified in the name of this memory.
Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities