Open Letter in Support of Gaza Freedom March

Out of thedelegation to Gaza that CODEPINK led in May camethe idea to organize a large march through Gaza, with a significant internationalpresence including well-known personalities.  In the spirit of non-violent direct action, themarch would challenge the appalling and inhumane siege of Gaza. The idea, which immediately captured the imagination of many organizers,was the brainchild of Norman Finkelstein. We are truly grateful for Prof.Finkelstein's creative thinking and willingness to put forward big ideas thatgenerate enthusiasm and engagement.

However, afterthe initial call, the framework of the march was challenged by highly-respectedPalestinian activists, Omar Barghouti from Jerusalem,and Haidar Eid from the Gaza.Their criticism, expressed with the utmost respect for the courage and goodwill of the organizers, challenged the organizers' decision to delay engagingin a wide conversation with Palestinian civil society and activists until afterthe call was made and the framework formulated. As Barghouti and Eid noted,that also led to a number of problems with the framework and the call. The callfailed to provide historical context to the current siege, barely referred tothe occupation, and picked and chose from the history of Palestiniannon-violent resistance. It also used language that inadvertently reflectedIsraeli propaganda strategies, isolating Palestinians in Gazafrom their counterparts in the West Bank, EastJerusalem, Israel,and the Diaspora.

Ultimately,these criticisms led to a compromise that satisfied both the Palestiniancritics and most of the initial organizers. This compromise was reflected in a"context document" that is now part of the call. We welcome the concerns ofprominent Palestinian activists who represent significant grassrootsorganizing. We see in the exchange, negotiation and outcome a model example ofhow work of solidarity can deepen and improve through giving full attention tohonest and constructive criticism from those most impacted by the horrors weare challenging.

We have read the"context document" and express our full support for the march based on therevised call.


Protest Toronto International Film Festival Spotlight on Tel Aviv
The Toronto-based Coalitiion Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) is urging people to write letters protesting the Toronto International Film Festival City-to-City Spotlight on Tel Aviv. John Greyson, internationally renowned filmmaker, has pulled his film from the festival. Read CAIA's statement, and the letter Greyson sent to TIFF's organizers.
National Day of Action
*Tuesday, December 30 @ 10 am - 5pm @ Sen. Klobuchar's office (1200
Washington Ave. S.) & @ Rep. Ellison's office (2100 Plymouth Ave. N.) in

*1pm press conference at Sen Klobuchar's office*

Join this* National Day of Action *to show solidarity with the Palestinian
people in Gaza and to demand an immediate end to the murderous attacks
carried out by the Israeli military against the people of Gaza.  There will
be a press conference at 1pm at Sen. Klobuchar's office.  These
demonstrations are organized locally by WAMM - Women Against Military
Madness, Coalition For Palestinian Rights, International Jewish anti-Zionist
Network Twin Cities (IJAN TC), Green Party of Minnesota.

For more info go to:

Statement from the International anti-Zionist Network Twin Cities (IJAN-TC)
"As of this writing, Israel's massacre of Palestinians in occupied Gaza has
killed nearly 300, and injured hundreds more - mostly civilians - since
Saturday, December 26th. Over a thousand tons of bombs have been dropped on
one of the most densely populated places in the world. "Operation Cast
Lead", coming after an 18-month siege on the Gaza Strip that created
electricity and water shortages and cut means for producing basics such as
daily bread, has exacerbated the humanitarian catastrophe faced by Gaza's
1.5 million residents.

Israel carried out these recent attacks with F16 fighter jets and missiles
provided by U.S. tax dollars. The state of Minnesota is especially invested
in Israel, holding Israeli bonds, while Governor Pawlenty is meeting with
Israeli trade representatives to further the Minnesota-Israeli economic
partnership. In light of this economic alliance and the moral responsibility
that comes along, we demand Governor Pawlenty cut our trade and investment
ties with Israel instead of financing this humanitarian crisis.

As Jews in the Twin Cities, we stand with the world majority in the call to
immediately end Israel's current and devastating aggression in Gaza, for
Israel to be held accountable for it's actions, and for our fellow
Minnesotans and specifically Jews to join us. As Jews of conscience it is
our responsibility to decry these atrocities done in our name."



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities