IJAN Participates in Gaza Solidarity Activities in Cairo

IJAN has a delegates from France and the U.S. - New York City, Twin Cities-Minnesota, and Chicago - participating in the Gaza Freedom March.

 In addition, IJAN Bay Area and Toronto are participating in local Gaza anniversary actions and marches in solidarity with the 50,000 Palestinians marching in Gaza on December 31st.


IJAN Grows in the United States

As IJAN’s work in the United States has grown, so has interest in the network. In New York City, activists identifying with IJAN are working on events, demonstrations and in partnership with local Palestine solidarity and BDS organizations. NYC IJAN activists are also involved in national and international work.

On October 7, 2009, DC activists launched IJAN D.C. with an event, The Politics and Strategic Role of Jewish Anti-Zionist Organizing Within the Broader Struggle for Liberation, at the Emergence Community Arts Collective. The emerging DC chapter is interested in participation in BDS campaigns, in developing anti-Zionist Jewish discourse, labor organizing and forming a local study group. 

Then on October 25, 2009, there was a meeting of Jewish activists interested in IJAN in Atlanta, Georgia. Activists were interested in forming a loose network to do work in the name of IJAN and in lending IJAN’s name to local Palestine solidarity activities. Finally, there is interest in participation in IJAN from activists in New Orleans who are already involved in anti-Zionist Jewish activism.  

If you are interested in affiliating, collaborating or building with IJAN in the United States, please contact us at

Nine Years of Vigilling

The weekly vigils in front of the Israeli consulate building in Torontooffer opportunities to connect with the public on priority issues.Ongoing Israeli attacks on non-violent anti-Wall protesters, includingthe arrests of Mohammad Othman, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, and Jamal Juma';,the continuing siege of Gaza, and the destruction of Palestinian homesin East Jerusalem have been a focus of handouts at recent vigils.

When Palestinian and Jewish queer activists protested a queer tourismconference in Tel Aviv back in mid-October, we handed out the jointstatement condemning the International Gay and Lesbian TravelAssociation (put together by Queers Against Israeli Apartheid inToronto (QuAIA), Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!), IJAN.and Queer BDS activists from Israel). Since late July 2009, theCoalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), IJAN-Toronto, and othershave been demanding an end to the exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls atthe Royal Ontario Museum. The ROM is directly across the street fromthe Israeli consulate building, the location of the IJAN vigils. Whilewe haven't been able to get the ROM to stop the show, it has beenuseful as a way to engage the public on the issues. We also stand as avisual counterpoint to the ROM's obvious collusion with the IsraeliAntiquities Authority. When the ROM held a brief showing of TenCommandments, we responded with a few commandments of our own. The ROMhas denied any link with the Brand Israel campaign of Israeli ConsulGeneral Amir Gissin. However, they recently offered ROM members achance to enter a contest for a free trip to Israel. Hmmm.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities