USPCN and IJAN Tour Oregon

The United States Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) and IJAN will go on a three-city tour ofOregon this weekend.  Speakingengagements will be held in Eugene, Portland and Corvallis.  The tour is sponsored by the Al-Nakba AwarenessProject.

Click here to read an article by the IJAN speaker publishedin the Register Guard Newspaper, the second largest newspaper in Oregon. 


Oneyear after Gaza. What happened? What's next?
What can we do now?

Monadel Herzallah from the U.S. Palestine Community Network andfounder/president of the Arab American Union Members Council

Rebecca Tumposky, U.S. Coordinator for the International JewishAnti-Zionist Network

The presentation will demonstrate how Palestinian and Jewish activists canappropriately work together for human rights without giving an appearance ofnormalcy or parity of suffering.

Eugene, Thursday, Feb. 25, 7-9 P.M.

The Knight Browsing Room in the University of Oregon's Knight Library, 1501 Kincaid Eugene, OR 97403-1299.

Portland, Friday, Feb. 26, 7-9 P.M.

Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 298
Portland State University
1825 SW Broadway
Portland OR 97201

Corvallis, Saturday Feb 27 7-9 P.M.

Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship,
 2945 NW Circle Blvd., Corvallis OR 97330

Free, donations gratefully accepted.

Sponsored by
Al-Nakba Awareness Project

Advocating Freedom, Justice & Equality in the Holy Land

Co-sponsors to date:
Arab Student Union, UO
Al-Awda Oregon
Peace Action Council Corvallis Unitarian
Corvallis Veterans For Peace
Friends of Middle East Peace Group, Corvallis/Albany
June Kenagy
Bob Stebbins
Milton Takei
Peter Chabarek
Dave Evans

Never Again for Anyone event in San Francisco

An exciting public event took place in San Francisco on January 28, 2010as part of the “Never Again for Anyone” tour initiative which launched the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network’s Remembrance Campaign. Agood turnout of people came to see the video presentations of the tour’s speakers in Europe - Haidar Eid and Hayo Meyer and a moving speakout followed. Everyone in the room offered thoughtful and wide rangingcontributions to the topics presented: a Palestinian man described growing up in Palestine and how he and his sister had been shot a numberof times by Israeli soldiers. Other participants, the majority Jewish people, spoke about their experiences challenging Zionism and how the pretext of antisemitism is used to silence, about historic events, the misuse of the holocaust, connecting the violence of the holocaust with other mass violence against people and what can we now do.

 Meeting organizers used a power point of Hayo Meyer’s and publicity from the tour in Europe to give key points in his presentation, as due to technical difficulties, we were not able to get the film in time to showit. A viewing of the presentation is being rescheduled for people to see and to continue with the groundbreaking Remembrance Campaign to break with the exceptionalism of and false way the holocaust is presented and to connect with people around the world who have also faced and continue to face genocide.

Never Again For Anyone



8 February, 19h30, au CICP

21ter, rue Voltaire 75011

(métro Rue desBoulets)



9 février à 20h

Maison des Passages

44 rue St Georges, 69005

(métro Vieux Lyon)



10 février à 20h

Maison des associations

1a Place des Orphelins



Mittwoch, den 17. Februar, um 19 Uhr 30

 Festsaal der Bezirksvorstehung Alsegrund

1090 Wien, Währinger Strasse 43




February 18, 20h

Maison des Associations, Salle Carson





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities