Open letter to those arrested and imprisoned for protesting against Israel’s onslaught of Gaza

We were among the hundreds and sometimesthousands who protested every night at the Israeli Embassy in December2008/January 2009, and who marched with 100,000 others on 10th January.

While young Muslim men and women were the first,the most numerous and the most consistent protestors, this was a popularcause- many Jewish people and people from other backgrounds participated.  Allof us shared a desperate outrage at Israel's use of F-16s, drones, whitephosphorous and depleted uranium; its murder of 1,400 people and the woundingand maiming of thousands more, including hundreds of children, women, peoplewho were unarmed or holding white flags; its bombing of schools and hospitals;its decimation of animal and bird life; and its poisoning of water andair. 

Our distress and anger reflected the widespreadhorror in the UK at what wehad heard (and been prevented from witnessing by Israel'srefusal to allow reporters into Gaza),and at the devastation we were only afterwards allowed to see.1

2010 US Assembly of Jews: Confronting Racism and Israeli Apartheid

REGISTRATION Now Open! We hope to seeyou in Detroit!

Before you register, please read the Assembly's "Purpose, Goals, Assumptions& Expectations" that you will be asked to commit to on the registrationform.

Click here to REGISTER.

Call for WORKSHOP SUBMISSIONS: Click here to complete the session submissionform. We welcome proposals for workshops, dialogs, discussions, skill-sharing,presentations and other types of sessions that address themes of the Assembly.

Click here for a description of the types of sessions and Assembly themes.To submit a proposal, please complete the on-line submission form by: May 13,2010.

Request for ENDORSEMENTS and SPONSORSHIPS: Endorse and Sponsor the 2010 U.S.Assembly of Jews by endorsing and/or sponsoring the 2010 Assembly you or yourorganization is showing public political support of the assembly. Thank you for standing with us in this movement. To endorse and sponsor click here.

SUPPORT the 2010 U.S. Assembly of Jews: We need your financial contributionsin order to make this historic event happen! Please make a tax-deductibledonation of $50, $100, or more if you can.

Donate here or or mail checks to IJAN, P.O. Box 29724, Oakland, CA 94604

GET INVOLVED! Download our organizing toolkit.

There are many ways to get involved in 2010 U.S. Assembly of Jews:Confronting Racism and Israeli Apartheid, including outreach, fundraising, andmedia support.

For more information contact We hopeto see you in Detroit!

Letters to the Editor about Gaza Freedom Flotilla
A member of Chicago IJAN was successful in getting two letters to the editor published in response to Israel's attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, one in each of Chicago's major papers: Boycott, sanction IsraelI am shaken and outraged by Israel's violent and deadly assault on the humanitarian activists aboard the ships of the Freedom ... Letters to the Editor about Gaza Freedom Flotilla



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities