Upper Midwest Screening of Where Should the Birds Fly
OnMay 12, 2013 the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network of the Twin Cities(IJAN-TC), along with several other community and solidarity organizations organizeda film showing of Where Should the Birds Fly and brought Fida Qishta to Minneapolis for a discussion.
Enduring Roots 11 Minute Trailer

Check out the website of the Stop the JNF Campaign for more information, updates and resources.

Stop Repression Against the Social Movements

The statementbelow is being endorsed by a number of organizations that are part of the solidaritymovement with Palestine in Catalonia, including the BDS coalition, the GazaFlotilla (now called Gaza's Ark), a number of NGOs active both here and there,and Junts/IJAN.

We the social movements organise to fight against a system that throws us on the dole, thatevicts a family every 15 minutes, that persecutes immigrants, that imposesworse working conditions on us, that exploits us. We want a dignified and just life for all, and against us the Stateorganises to repress us, and responds to our desire for change withintimidation and violence.

We condemn the growing repression and violence used against thesocial movements in Catalonia. We protest that this strategy violates democracyand aims to maintain the current injustices.

We condemn the fact that the repression we are experiencing in Cataloniais strongly interconnected with the global repression suffered by the socialmovements and specifically, with the Israeli military and securityinfrastructure. The army itself, and private security and military companiesthat maintain Palestine under occupation, have used the Palestinian people as amassive training and research ground that has enabled them to create companies,industries , products and services that our governments buy and use to controland repress the social movements. These products are sold with the "guarantee"of having been tested in real situations in the Occupied PalestinianTerritories.




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities