IJAN Participates in World Social Forum 2013
IJAN organizers from the United States, Spain, Catalonia andSwitzerland attended the 2013 World SocialForum in Tunis from March 26th to March 30th. In addition to participatingin the Opening March and the Land Day March in solidarity with Palestine, IJANhelped organize two self-organized activities and participated in a third. Inaddition, Liliana Cordova with the Spanish anti-capitalist movement and IJANspoke about IJAN's work around BDS in a plenary session.
Stop the JNF Campaign Growing in the U.S.
The Campaign to Stop the JNF is growing in participation,visibility, and momentum. This spring, Jonah Aline Daniel represented the Stopthe JNF campaign in many cities across the Midwest and East coast of the United States to bring areport back from the Plant-a-Tree in Palestine delegation. The tour was a success indrawing crowds of various sizes, recruiting new campaign activists andprompting many helpful questions to further the strategic development of theCampaign. 

At each event most people signed postcards bombardingthe IRS with demands to revoke the charity status of the JNF. Many peoplesigned up to stay in contact with the campaign moving forward. There was muchinterest in increasing knowledge about the JNF across environmental movements andin a legal campaign against the JNF. Here is the Stop the JNF Campaign presentation thatwas used on the tour and is available for use by Stop the JNF activists.

The Stop the JNF Campaign created this shortvideo as an introduction to the true purpose of the JewishNational Fund. It was screened at every location on the Report Back Tour and isavailable to share with all of your networks.

Additionally, the Stop the JNF Campaign was invited to submit adocumentary film this fall about the Jewish National Fund and theresistance to it at the Zochrot Film Festival, Nakba and Return, in Tel Aviv.This film will be made available to Campaign activists to use in our educationwork and to expose the historical and ongoing role of the JNF in thecolonization of Palestine.
S.F. Bay View: Stand Behind Striking Prisoners from Palestine to California
by IJAN From Palestine to California, prisoners are organizing to end torture in prison and prison as a form of repression of popular movements and poor communities of color. Members of IJAN have been following and supporting the organizing of California prisoners, who are prepared to go on indefinite hunger strike starting July 8 ... S.F. Bay View: Stand Behind Striking Prisoners from Palestine to California



Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities