Contributions Needed

Please support us in sending delegations of anti-racist activists to the World Conference Against Racism. On April 20-24, Geneva will host the Durban Review Conference (DRC),an evaluation of the progress made in implementing the DurbanDeclaration and Program of Action (DDPA) adopted by the WorldConference against Racism in 2001.

TheUnited States, Canada, and Israel have withdrawn from the DurbanReview, despite the participation of all other UN member states as wellas hundred's of advocacy and activist organizations. Their withdrawalis based a claim that it is "antisemitic" to challenge Israel on itsundeniably racist policies - a central issue at the Durban Review. TheUS boycott is also based on a refusal to participate in conversationsabout reparations to African Americans for slavery. This highlights therelationships between the United States and Israel-one of a sharedcommitment to maintaining State exploitation and repression of peoplebased on race for the purposes of continuing to secure economic,military and political dominance.

Thesefalse claims are an attempt to circumvent the growing criticism andcondemnation of Israel's utter disregard for international law, humanrights, and humanity. Furthermore, they allow the Canadian and UnitedStates' governments to avoid processes designed to hold themaccountable. By not attending, they leave unanswered the demands madeof them in 2001 for reparations and amends for their own histories ofcolonization of indigenous people and land, slavery and on-goingdiscrimination against African Americans, and the targeting ofimmigrants.

Weare supporting a delegation of eight organizers - anti-Zionist Jews,African Americans and Palestinians - to challenge the US boycottagainst the conference and expose the relationship between the USsupport for Israel and its own deep history and practice of racism. Tochallenge a strong Zionist presence being mobilized in Geneva, we arealso supporting a European delegation of anti-Zionist Jews to protestthe boycott of the conference based on the inclusion of Palestinianrights. This will also is an opportunity for us to further build IJAN'swork in the region.

TheZionist protest of this conference and denial of Israel'saccountability for its racist policies and practices is well resourced.Our resources are few but our voice and organizing is critical at thisinternational forum and in this historic moment. Click here to support us in making these delegations possible.

IJAN Bulletin – April 2009
Our April bulletin is available here for mailing or downloading.
Petition to the Government

Given thatthe Canadian government:

  • has failed to condemn Israel's clear violation of international law and war crimes in Gaza
  • has intensified Canada's bilateral agreements with Israel, including policing and security, military, political, and economic links
  • has continuously granted Israel unconditional support for its ongoing practice of collective punishment and ethnic cleansing,

We, theundersigned residents of Canada,urge the government of Canadato immediately undertake a change in its position regarding the Middle East andto initiate concrete action to hold Israel accountable for its ongoing violationsof International Humanitarian Law.   

Brought to you by Women In Solidarity With Palestine (WSP)

And The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Toronto (IJAN-TO)

For more information: or





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities