No Loyalty to Apartheid
On October 10,2010, the Israeli government proposed a bill obligating non-Jewish naturalizedcitizens to swear loyalty to a "Jewish and democratic state." The InternationalJewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) deplores this attempt to demand recognitionof Israelas a Jewish state - a state whose existence is premised on the removal of theindigenous people of Palestine.

In response to thisbill, members of the Zionist "Left" in Israel issued a "declaration of independencefrom fascism." Announced at a rally in Tel Aviv, the Middle East's mostethnically cleansed city (indigenous population: four percent), the declarationasserts that the proposed law "violates [Israel's] basic commitment to theprinciples of equality, civil liberty and sincere aspiration for peace --principles upon which the State of Israel was founded."

The Zionist "Left"is distancing itself from this policy, but the proposed oath is entirelyconsistent with Israel's racist foundations and continued ethnic cleansing -all of which the Zionist "Left" has played a central role in perpetrating andwhitewashing.

IJAN-Atlanta Launched!

We are excited to announce the formation of a new IJANchapter in Atlanta, Georgia!  Fivemembers attended the recent US Assembly of Jews and have returned eager to growand strengthen the presence of anti-Zionist Jewish activism in the A-T-L!  If you are in the Atlanta area and areinterested in getting involved, please email us at

Holocaust Survivor Calls Attention to Zionism's Victims

An 86-year-old Holocaust survivor was heckled by pro-Israelis whilegiving a controversial talk on Wednesday night at Goldsmiths Universityin Lewisham.

Dr. Hajo Meyer delivered his talk, ‘The Misuse of the Holocaust for Political Purposes’, on the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day .Hiscriticisms of the Israeli government were met with aggression by twoaudience members, who shouted interruptions during talks by both Dr.Meyer and fellow speaker, Palestinian Journalist, Haidar Eid. They alsoheld up signs with the word ‘lies’ written on them.

In 1944 Dr. Meyer spent 10 months in Auschwitz;the largest of the World War II concentration camps. He is now apublished essayist based in the Netherlands, and is involved incampaigning for ending, what he views as, the occupation of Palestine.He is delivering a series of talks as part of a tour organised by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

The Network’s Founder, Sarah Kershnar, claimed they had not been  allowed to list any of the talks on the official Holocaust Memorial Trustwebsite due to their position on the Israel-Palestine conflict.Ms.Kershnar said: “We tried three times and it wouldn’t go through.”

She has launched a petition in response to the banning, but whenEastLondonLines approached The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, theydenied having received the submission from IJAN.

James Haywood, the Goldsmiths College student who organized thehosting of the talk for IJAN, said he believed it contributed animportant perspective to the Memorial Day; “The talk we’re holdingtonight is not conventional but its important to remember that racismin all its forms is bad.”

Other East London line boroughs, Croydon and Hackney, hosted moretraditional ‘Candle Lighting Events’ yesterday to commemorate HolocaustMemorial Day.




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities