International campaign against the Jewish National Fund
Stop the JNF...Stop Greenwashing Apartheid

TheJewish National Fund (JNF)[1] was instrumental in the ethnic cleansing[2] of Palestine in the 1948 Nakba, and continues to play a central role in maintaining Israel's regime of apartheid.[3] The JNF provided political, financial and intelligence[4] support for the Zionist forces in their conquest, massacres and ethnic cleansing operations that characterized the 1948-49 war and the Palestinian Nakba.Today, the JNF controls vast properties belonging to millions of Palestinians, developing them exclusively for persons of "Jewish nationality," a concept established and promoted in the JNF's charter toexclude all others.

The JNF was created in 1901 to acquire land and property rights in Palestine and beyond for exclusive Jewish settlement. While indigenous Palestinians are barred from leasing, building on, managing or working their own land, the JNF holds the land in trust for "those of Jewish race or descendency" living anywhere in the world to "promote the interests of Jews in the prescribed region."[5]

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Para leer la convocatoria en español, haga clic en "read more" y vaya a la parte inferior de la página siguiente.

Zionists falsely charge exclusion of Jews from Rutgers Holocaust Memorial event
(NEW YORK 1/30/2011) -- Yesterday, right wing counter protestors disrupted an event honoring the memory of the Nazi Holocaust, ignoring the event’s message of support for all who continue to fight for their rights and for collective humanity. Concerned with protecting speakers and audience members, police closed the event for more than one hour, with the result that a number of interested participants were unable to enter.

Rutgers Hillel, Young Americans for Freedom, the Zionist Organization of America and other Zionist organizations have falsely charged that Jews were excludedfrom the Never Again for Anyone tour stop at Rutgers University in New Brunswick on January 29. The false allegations of anti-Semitism have been made repeated by right-wing blogger David Horowitz, the Jerusalem Post, JTA, WorldNet Daily, and similar websites -- none of whom requested to speak with event organizers.

"The accusation that anyone was excludedfrom this event due to his or her ethnicity or political views is a complete fabrication," said Sara Kershnar of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network. "Many of the organizers and participants of this event are Jewish, and anyone who paid the nominal $5 admission was welcome," she said.

The tour's purpose is summarized as follows: 'In the face of the on-going ethnic cleansing of Palestine, attacks and persecution of Muslim and Arab communities in the U.S. and Canada, and on-going attacksagainst the rights of other communities and immigrants, we assert a commitment to collective humanity against the application of “never again” to only a few.'[1]

The protest was organized by campus Hillel and publicized by Pamela Geller,[2] a prominent anti-Muslim and anti-Arab opponent of the Park51 Islamic Cultural Center in Lower Manhattan.
Educate about Israeli partheid through film


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BadilResource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights. Code Pink-  Women for Peace, USA.    Palestine Freedom Project.  Friends of Sabeel North America. ICAHD USA. Al-Rowwad USA.  American Muslims for Palestine.    AJJP Boston.  USA,Palestine Campaign for the Cultural and Academic boycott of Israel.


CooperativeSUTTVUESS (audiovisual production and postproduction), Italy. IJAN (International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network), Australians for Palestine  Woman for Palestine,  Melbourn  Australia. Palestine Solidarity Committee, South Africa. Al-Alwad  Palestinian Right of Return Coalition, USA. Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Coalition AgainstIsraeli Apartheid, Canada. Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Afro-Middle East Center, South Africa, Congress of South African Trade Unions. Tadamon,   Montreal  Canada.




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities