IJAN Organizing Institute held in the Twin Cities
This past August over 30 IJAN organizers from across the US and Canada met in the beautiful, balmy Twin Cities, MN for our first ever Organizers’ Institute. Members from IJAN Chapters in the Bay area, Chicago, Toronto, Twin Cities, Switzerland, and the north eastern part of the U.S. gathered to vision, plan and deepen campaign work that is happening across the world. For five days we focused on the work that is already being done with the Stop the JNF campaign, reflected on the Never Again for Anyone tour, looked at the history of IJAN from over the last five years and made progress on our next steps as a network. It was a wonderful opportunity to have these conversations in person. So much of our work nationally as IJAN organizers happens on remotely or when meeting to present or host an event, so we stayed up late and got up early to maximize the time we had together. Twin Cities IJAN organizers acted as a loving host committee and provided a great venue at Heart of the Beast puppet theatre. Since then we’ve been sending care packages across the country to express our appreciation and support for one another.
“THIS IS APARTHEID” Poster Contest

Submit a Poster to the "This Is Aparthied" Poster Contest

Visit for more information.

Art has always been an important part of liberation struggles. It can inspire and convey concepts beyond words. and its primary partner, Lajee Center, are sponsoring a competition for artists and graphic designers who are invited to submit posters on the theme of “Israeli Apartheid.” These posters should reflect the nature, realities, and/or consequences of apartheid policies in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Posters will be judged by a panel of distinguished activists and artists. The winning entries will be featured in an online poster gallery and disseminated widely on the internet and various other venues. Youth from refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank will participate in the contest.

Chicago IJAN Hosts Anti-Zionist Bagel Brunch

Chicago IJAN put on a successful fundraising brunch featuring homemade anti-Zionist bagels. As we enjoyed the bagels, we read articles and discussed some of the developments of the Arab Spring. The brunch was a great opportunity to get together with some of our supporters and do collective education together. Additionally we were able to raise funds to support four members’ participation in the first ever IJAN organizing institute. Thank you so much to all of our supporters! {image_3}




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities