The WorldSocial Forum Free Palestine is approaching fast. In just a couple of weeks, more than 10,000 Palestinianand solidarity activists from at least 36 different countries will arrive in PortoAlegre to learn from each other and organize together to build a strongmovement to confront Israel and Zionism and the broader injustices theyrepresent and support.
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network has beenbuilding with activists in the US, Canada and around the world to build and bringa joint struggleframework to the WSF FP. Thanks tothe support from everyone who has donated, we have been able to organize adelegation more than 15 strong. We were honored as a delegation to be invitedto have a representative on a major panel.
The US-Canada Joint Struggle Delegation is in the process offinalizing ourworkshop offerings covering a wide range of topics including Israel's rolein repression in the US and around the world, mass incarceration, environmentalinjustice, labor alliances with Palestine, and asserting an anti-colonialfeminism and combating anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism.
In addition to working on many of the delegation workshops,IJAN is organizing a workshop on the Caseof Jews Against Zionism and participating in workshops focused on Zionistbacklash and the Campaign to Stop the Jewish National Fund.
There are opportunities for participation in the exciting momentum andbuilding happening at the WSF FP from your locations! The organizing committee of the World Social Forum Free Palestine has calledfor international actions and media initiatives aligned with the socialforum.
Finally, please continue to support IJAN's participation with your donations.
Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities