Two New Resources to Stop the JNF
In recognition of Land Day, the Stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Campaign has released two new tools to support stopping the JNF: •A documentary produced by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund, directed by Alex Safron, co-produced by Sara Kershnar. •A printable version ... Two New Resources to Stop the JNF
IJAN Letter in the Sun-Times

Dear Editor:

I am shaken and outraged by Israel's violent and deadly assault on the humanitarian activists aboard the ships of the Freedom Flotilla as it carried 10,000 tons of aid to Gaza.

 As a Chicago resident and participant in a related delegation this pastJanuary, the Gaza Freedom March, I cannot help but envision myself aboard that ship as civilians were attacked with live gunfire by one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world. Why attack inthe middle of the night? Why in international waters? Why with live ammunition?

Let the world not be silent yet again in the face of a people abandoned.

As a member of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), I call on civil society everywhere to break the siege of Gaza and to join the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until its policies reflect human rights and Palestinian self-determination.

Lee Gargagliano

Chicago, IL,CST-EDT-vox02a.article

(scroll down to the second letter)

Free Gaza, Respect International Waters
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) strongly condemns Israel's   barbarous early-morning raid, carried out in international waters, on a maritime humanitarian convoy, during which Israeli soldiersattacked with live ammunition peaceful civilians on board, murdering atleast fifteen according to the Israeli army, perhaps many more, and wounding scores.

We are humbled and inspired by the commitment and the sacrifice of the people on board these ships. One of the boats in the convoy was named after Rachel Corrie,   murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver while obstructing the demolition of a Palestinian housein Rafah seven years ago. This boat reminds us all that the courage andperseverance of the ships sailing to Gaza follows in an international tradition of total civic engagement and ethical commitment that echoes and responds to the perseverance and courage of a century of Palestinianresistance to ethnic cleansing and colonialism.

This attack on ships carrying 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid, including educational supplies, medical supplies and construction material, is international high seas piracy. We call on all governments to end Israel's impunity, enforce international law and hold Israel accountable for its recurrent violations. Furthermore, this act of piracy was carried out in pursuit of maintaining a siege on Gaza, imposed by Israel with participation of the Egyptian government and US backing, a siege that is itself a crime against humanity. This criminal siege is deepening a terrible humanitarian crisis, with mass unemployment, extreme poverty and food insecurity affecting over a million and a half people, most of whom are refugees from the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, who are now locked in the world's largest concentration camp. Palestinians in Gaza are prevented from rebuilding their houses destroyed by Israel in the massacre of 2009, and forbidden to import stuff such as toys and chocolate as punishment for having democratically elected a government that refused to collaborate with the occupation.




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