Land Defense Delegation to Palestine
The Stop the JNF Campaign is Organizing a Land Defense Delegation to Palestine in spring of 2015. View and download the flyer here. Campaign and delegation goals: Build connections between the Stop the Jewish National Fund Campaign and diverse land based, indigenous sovereignty, and environmental justice struggles; Introduce organizers working on these struggles to their counterparts in Palestine for longer term joint struggle efforts, including the Stop the JNF campaign.
IJAN and MXGM Delegation to Argentina and Venezuela

InArgentina, IJAN presented with the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement atthe Universidad Popular Madres Plaza de Mayo. The university wasfounded by those involved in the movement of mothers to identify andhold the government accountable for the "disappearance" of theirloved ones during the military dictatorship of the late 70s and early80s. In spite of a subway strike and the plumbing in the building notworking, we had an audience of 50 who listened with rapt attention.We presented with and were hosted by the Departmentof Genocide and Social Forces.

InVenezuela IJAN and MXGM had the opportunity to learn from and shareinformation with grassroots activists that are part of therevolution. Participants witnessed the opening day of apartments foralmost a thousand people, spoke at a university in the heart of the Afro-Venezuelan communities, were interviewed on national and local radio, and spoke with social movement activists from a number of different organizations. 

Support the Plant-a-Tree in Palestine Delegation

Last year we sent a delegation to Palestineto document evidence and learn about the role of the Jewish National Fund inthe on-going theft of Palestinian land and property land and cover-up of thedisplacement of the Palestinian people. 

Per the request of the Palestinian FarmersUnion, Stop the Wall Anti-Apartheid Committee, the Palestinian BDS NationalCommittee and the villages who have lost trees, agricultural plots, farms andhomes to the Israeli military, this year we are sending another delegation toplant trees in villages that are welcoming the effort to replant a fraction ofwhat they have lost. 

We are writing to ask you for your supportfor the January 5-14, 2013 Plant-a-Tree in Palestine delegation to buildsupport for the Campaign to stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF). Weare sending two delegates from the United States who will be planting trees anddocumenting the trip - taking photos and capturing video footage to createmedia and political education materials which we will use to grow thecampaign.

The delegation will be planting 112 trees in3 villages, one tree for each year the JNF has been colonizingPalestine. Many Palestinians have lost fruit bearing trees to JNFbulldozers- olive trees that had been tended for up to 1,000years and citrus trees tended for generations. Members of the PalestinianFarmers Union and other local farmers will choose which kinds of trees theywant to plant. Delegation participants will be activelyparticipating alongside Palestinian farmers in resisting the goals ofthe JNF.

Please considermaking a contribution to the delegation and/or planting a tree in Palestine. Each tree planted will godirectly to one of the three villages and will contribute toward thedelegation's expenses.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities