Backlash Defense

One of the core areas of IJAN’s work is strategic defense against backlash. Over the years, IJAN has worked in partnership with a variety of organizations trying to defend themselves, their communities, or their campaigns from backlash. In the U.S., IJAN has been working with students, faculty, activists, and lawyers to create a national network for strategic defense. Our recently released report, “The Business of Backlash: The Attack on Palestinian and Other Social Justice Movements” outlines the forces behind much of the backlash we face as well as who funds them.

IJAN has recently been working with students, faculty, activists, and lawyers from around the U.S. to create a national network for strategic defense. Our hope is that this network will be able to serve as a conduit for mobilizing our organizations, communities, and movements when rapid and strategic response to backlash is needed, whether on or off campus. Our recently released report, The Business of Backlash: The Attack on Palestinian and Other Social Justice Movements, similarly aims to offer information and analysis of the interests and funding behind backlash, the tactics these forces employ, and some of the implications for movement-building.

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IJAN-Argentina apone el Centro Simon Wiesenthal, los bombardeos de Gaza y Mekerot
La Red Judía Antisionista Internacional (IJAN) en Argentina trabaja en conjunto con la Federación de Entidades Argentino Palestinas (FEDERPAL) para la promoción en Argentina de la campaña por el Boicot, Desinversión y Sanciones (BDS) contra el apartheid israelí y para la realización del Tribunal Ético contra la Ocupación y el Colonialismo por Israel en Palestina. Las instituciones sionistas, en particular el Centro Simon Wiesenthal (que posee una de sus sucursales en Argentina), presionó al gobierno argentino para que desistiera de la aprobación del uso de la Biblioteca Nacional para la realización del Tribunal. Como resultado de esto, y de una campaña de difamación lanzada a través de los medios de prensa, donde se intentó caracterizar al Tribunal con las tradicionales acusaciones de "antisemitismo", el tribunal tuvo que ser cancelado y reprogramado para el año 2013. La denuncia de IJAN fue publicada aqui.

A History of JCRC’s Attacks on Community Based Organizations
For the past two decades, Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) has been funded to go after organizations who support Palestinian human rights. Today, JCRC is targeting the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) in an attempt to strike them from a resolution with the San Francisco Unified School District that creates greater language access for Arab and Vietnamese families.

JCRC and the Attack on Palestinian Solidarity in the Bay Area
Over the years, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of San Francisco has attacked numerous people of color-led organizations fighting for social justice that have taken a stand in support of Palestinian rights. Today, JCRC is targeting the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) in an attempt to strike them from a resolution with the San Francisco Unified School District that creates greater language access for Arab and Vietnamese families.

IJAN Stands with Rasmea Odeh
IJAN) condemns the US government’s decision to sentence Rasmea Odeh, Palestinian organizer and community leader, to 18 months in prison for allegedly lying on her immigration and US citizenship paperwork.

Sign-on to Oppose SCR 35
IJAN condemns SCR 35, and rejects the notion that the bill comes out of any genuine commitment to the struggle against racism. Although the language of the bill makes it seem as though it is taking a stand against antisemitism and racism, the truth of the matter is that SCR 35 is a Trojan Horse for Zionism.

In Support of Berkeley SJP
This letter in support of Berkeley SJP was penned in response to slanderous attacks by notorious racist David Horowitz in an op-ed published in the Daily Cal.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities