Backlash Defense Overview
Letter to the Editor

 In response to a divisive representation of the counter demonstration at a rally in support of Israel, the following joint statement was submitted to the London Guardian.

DearLetters’ Editor,

Neither your report (Thousands of Jews rallyagainst Hamas, 12 January) nor the subsequent letters (We Jews cannot be silent bystanders while this terrorgoes on, Letters, 13 January) mention the crucial fact that thecounter-demonstration opposing the pro-Israel rally was called and responded toby Palestinians, Jews, Muslims and other people of conscience.

The police had divided the counter-demonstration by placingMuslim and Jewish people behind separate metal barriers.  United by ouroutrage and grief over the siege on the Palestinian people in Gaza, many of usrefused to be divided; we moved the barriers aside and chanted together:“Judaism Yes, Zionism No”; the Palestinian flag which the Islamic Human RightsCommission had brought was attached to the banner of the International JewishAnti-Zionist Network, and alongside Neturei Karta’s placards.

WhenPalestinians, Jews and Muslims organise together, taking our direction from thePalestinian resistance, we undermine apartheid, ethnic cleansing and thedivisions among us which are used to justify war.  For all of us there isonly one side – the side of justice.


Representatives of the

Islamic Human Rights Commission

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Call for Joint Action

In response to the call for escalating actions against Israel's attacks on Gaza,the US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) and the International JewishAnti-Zionist Network are collaborating in the United States.

If you are in the United States and would like toparticipate, contact information is below.

Internationally, IJAN encourages the creation of similarcalls to action.

The U.S.Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) and the International Jewish Anti-ZionistNetwork (IJAN) are calling for joint action.

Israel'shorrifying attacks on Gazacome at the close of the Bush regime and at the onset of the Obamaadministration. Congress has declared the attacks an act of self-defense by Israel. Nothingcan be more untrue as the death toll of Palestinians creeps to 800 and theinjured to more than 3,000.

The need for escalating coordinated action against racistUSpolicies here and abroad coincides with the potential for change that Obama'spresidency represents.

Palestinians and anti-Zionist Jews are calling for jointaction. We are raising our united voices of outrage and grief against 60 yearsof occupation and ethnic cleansing. We are taking collective action insolidarity with and as part of more than 60 years of Palestinian struggle.

We are also co-organizing forums to assert Palestinianand anti-Zionist Jewish narratives and visions of liberation united withgrassroots movements for racial justice and immigrant and indigenous rights.

Joinus in taking another step toward a united front against racism!

  1. Organize and participate in Palestinian/Jewish anti-Zionist joint actions with immigrant, indigenous and people of color communities
  2. Organize and participate in forums, teach-ins and workshops to assert Palestinian and anti-Zionist Jewish narratives in joint struggle
  3. Organize joint flyering at and messaging for protests
  4. Organize delegations to local representatives and pass local resolutions
  5. Tell us about it: email us at the contact information below

For more information or toparticipate, please contact us:

USPCN email:

IJAN email:

Jewish People Speak Out

Madam, - We are people inIreland who are Jewish or of Jewishdescent.

We are appalled by Israel 'sslaughter in Gaza .We have seen people justifying this on the basis ofIsrael 's "securityconcerns" and attacking supporters of peace for being anti-Jewish.

In this climate we feel it important to assert that it is not anti-Semitic oranti-Jewish to oppose Israel 'saction.

Nor, however, can it be part of any progressive political vision to conflatewhat the Israeli state has done and is doing inGaza as being supported by Jews worldwide.

Throughout the world, Jews have opposed the invasion ofGaza .

In Israel itself, tens of thousands protested this war; they have been attacked by policeand right-wing mobs and many Israelis, predominantly non-Jewish but alsoJewish, have been imprisoned.

We ask people to support these Israelis.

As for Israel 'ssecurity concerns, two points need to be made. Firstly nothing, but nothing,justifies the massacre of innocent people.

Secondly, peace will only come about through justice for the Palestinian peopleand through negotiations betweenIsrael and elected Palestinianrepresentatives.

One does not need to be Jewish to know this.

We ask people not to claim to speak for us when justifyingIsrael 'sbarbarity. - Yours, etc,




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