Backlash Defense Overview
Anarchists Against the Wall in Canada
Action Boycott




Pour les francophones, il y a a regarder le lien, toute est claire.

The action documented in this video was initiated by Europalestine.  The action occured in Saint Denis, a popular neighborhood on the outskirts of Paris.

WE were around 30 people; some were in the supermarket, doing as you will see the first activist is in the video... outraged by the fact that

1:Carrefour [a supermarket] sells Israeli products....impossible to know were they are made in the OPT or...

2-some products like "flowers" are even without any label to know where are they from...

The list of goods (given  to the bypassers and the customers) is from the Zionist website UPJF, published with the explanation that the purchase of these products is a moral duty for any Israel supporter.

The customers and the cashiers were friendly, guards much less so.  The police came, and in the end Carrefour closed up the shop for some time.

IJAN, reseau internationaml juif antisioniste,  is announced at the end of the video.

IJAN in France is engaged in all BDS actions done in a proper manner (interpretating the actions as antisemitic is not an option) and according to the recommendations of the Palestinian BNC, Boycott
National Committee.

Counter-demo to the Pro-Israel rally in Trafalgar Square

Efforts to separate Arab and Jewishcounterdemonstrators from each other were overcome by IJAN organizers in theJewish ‘pen’ and Arab organizers in the Arab ‘pen.’  The police barricades between them wereremoved, the Palestinian flag and IJAN’s banner were attached to one another,and the megaphone and choice of chants were shared.   Despitethe pavement between the barriers to the two counter-demos filling up, theJewish banners and most of the Jewish demonstrators stayed where they were.  Popular chants (with some) were “Judaism,yes; Zionism, no: the state of Israelmust go” and “1 2 3 4, occupation no more, 5 6 7 8, Israel is not a Jewish state”!!




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities