Backlash Defense Overview
Mobilize for Palestine


On December 8, 2012 Bay Area Arab, Palestinian,solidarity and allied communities engaged in liberation struggles organized "Mobilize for Palestine: a Teach In and Organizing Workshop."The event featuredpanels including: "Palestine, Arab region and international movements," "Zionism, global context and the role of the US," 'The intersection ofstruggles and resistance in Palestine," as well as analysis and concretestrategy planning for BDS campaigns and al Nakba and Land Day activitiesfor2013. Over 100 people gathered, representing a broad range oforganizers, activists and community members. In particular, connections were madebetween Filipino and Palestinian anti-colonial struggles and the connectionbetween Israeli security culture and the prison industrial complex in theUnited States. IJAN distributed copies of its new exposé, "Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression" and gave a short presentation on defining and recognizingZionism and how it operates.

San Francisco Will Not Tolerate Islamophobia and Racism
A Community Speak Out and Forum was held in response to Pamela Geller's racist ad campaign, carried on SanFrancisco municipal buses this summer. The event was hosted by theCouncil on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-CA), Asian Law Caucus (ALC), ArabResource & Organizing Center (AROC), and Arab Cultural & CommunityCenter (ACCC).

This community forum was intended as a space for Arabs,Muslims, and their allies to express their concerns to city officials,including the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, about the harm which hasresulted from the Geller ads and to send the message that the community willnot tolerate Islamophobia and racism. The event was standing roomonly, and those in the audience included members of municipal institutions(e.g. the Municipal Transit Authority Board, San Francisco Board ofSupervisors, San Francisco Department of Public Health) and community members,groups and organizations, such as Students for Justice in Palestine, PeopleOrganized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) and the National Lawyers Guild. Speakersincluded Dr. Hatem Bazian, Zahra Billoo, Dr. Rabab Abdulhabi, and HusamEl-Qoulaq, as well as a MUNI bus driver who refused to drive his bus with thisad on it, Arab youth, and leaders of grassroots organizations. 

IJAN was asked to speak at the event and below is the text of our statement

Confronting Zionism


On 20 November 2012, under the shadow of the Israeli bombing of Gaza, a Jewish anti-Zionist panel spoke about Confronting Zionism at the London School of Economics (LSE) - organised by LSE Student Union Palestine Society.


Yael Kahn & Michael Kalmanovitz (both IJAN) spoke about their rejection of, and campaigning against, Zionism; also speaking was John Rose from the British Committee for Universities for Palestine (BRICUP). Thepredominatly student audience was transfixed when Yael spoke about her discovery that her family home was on stolen land. The meeting was chaired by Emeritus Professor Jonathan Rosenhead (BRICUP).




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities