Stop Prawer Plan: Day of Action November 30th (fromthe Palestinian BDS movement website):
"On 24th of June, the Israeli Knesset approved the Prawer-Begin plan,which if implemented will result in the destruction of more than 35unrecognized villages in Al-Naqab and the forced expulsion and confinement ofmore than 70,000 Palestinian Bedouins. The Prawer plan is the largest Israeliland-grab since 1948. It epitomizes the nature of Israel’s policy;Israeli-Jewish demographic expansion and Palestinian-Arab demographiccontainment."
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement has put out a call for a Day ofRage and action against the Prawer Plan and the Jewish National Fund, a funderand leader in the effort. The Stop the JNF Campaign supports the call for a Dayof Action on November 30th by calling for TWO DAYS OF ACTION on November 29th,called Black Friday in the U.S., and November 30th.
JOINUS IN HANDING OUT THE DOWNLOADABLE FLYER toeducate people about the role of the Jewish national fund – U.S. in the forceddisplacement of the Bedouin and attempt to settle their land by relocating over250,000 Jews from the united states. Encourage them to take action by signingthe downloadable petition.
The Day of Rage is being called for by Stop the JNF Campaign member groups – the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the US Palestinian Community Network and the Middle East Children Alliance.
If you are planning an education/outreach activity, pleaseemail us at, so we can promote itand let those who put out the call from Palestine know about the solidarityactions.
Please also sign and forward this electronic petition.
4-up Flyer Download Front (click here)
4-up Flyer Download Back (click here)
Petition Download (click here)