

Launch Plans

IJAN in Toronto will participate in the Susan Nathan event on October 3, 2008 at 7pm at Steelworker’s Hall on 25 Cecil Street. Susan Nathan will present on her book The Other Side Of Israel: My Journey Across The Jewish-Arab Divide, a vivid portrait of herself encountering apartheid in her adopted country. Following her speaking tour in North America, she will testify in the International Court of Justice at The Hague. Please join the Network to table at the event.

Other launch actions ideas may include:

• a boycott campaign to challenge a pro-Israel consumerism PR campaign being launched in Toronto

• an event connected to the Canadian elections on October 14th to combat Canadian alliances with Israel and Zionism

About Us

We believe IJAN will be useful in addressing the isolation of anti-Zionist Jews in Canada by connecting our work internationally. As the politics of Canada have been moving right, adopting and implementing the neo-liberal political and economic policies of the US and the Bush Administration, it is critical to counter Jewish conservatism with clear Jewish anti-Zionist politics.

IJAN will support the Canadian Palestinian solidarity movement and specifically, the campaigns in support of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. With its clear articulation of the strategic role for Jews in the Palestine solidarity movement, the Network hopes to challenge Jewish privilege and exclusivity and promote anti-racist practice in the work.

Initiatives and Organizations with which we Work or Partner

Women in Solidarity with Palestine


Launch Plan

There will be a cross-movement panel of immigrant rights organizations, Palestinian solidarity organizations and IJAN members at the end of October, 2008 in Lille, France.

Look out for our charter in major European newspapers and on-line forums.

About Us

We identify Europe as a major imperial force in the region and a financial backer of the occupation. At the same time, there is a growing public sentiment in support of the Palestinian movement and a strong anti-war movement.

IJAN in Europe will work to build partnerships with anti-imperialist, anti-war, anti-racist, anti-Islamophobia and immigrant rights movements, connect anti-Zionist Jews across Europe, and support the Palestinian solidarity movement and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions efforts. To this end, we will organize touring educational events, popular tribunals to judge Israeli crimes and criminals, and actions.

Specifically because of the history of European anti-Semitism, European Jews offer a critical voice in challenging the racialized violence of Jews against Palestinians that was once perpetrated after Jews.

The IJAN in Europe has members in Turin and Milan (Italy), Vienna (Austria), Berlin (Germany), Geneva (Switzerland), and Lille, Rouen, Bordeaux, and Paris (France).


About Us

There are three main focuses for our work inPalestine-Israel: 1) supporting joint struggle against Israeli Apartheid andcolonialism between Mizrahi Jews and Palestinians inside of Israel and in thebroader region; 2) collaborating with Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctionefforts; and 3) Supporting the work of Palestinian organizations inside ofIsrael (’48).

IJAN prioritizes getting the voices andactivism of anti-Zionist Israelis out into the world and increasing the visibilityof Mizrahi experiences of displacement, discrimination and exploitation byZionism and Israel.

Regional Building

Israeli Network projects are still evolving, someideas include:

  • A digital storytelling project to document Mizrahi history and experiences of Israeli Apartheid to be used for a popular tribunal in Israel and also as testimony for tribunals in other locations; and
  • Organizing a popular tribunal that brings together testimony from Palestinians, Mizrahi and migrant workers against the State of Israel.


We welcome the building of the network by any of those whoshare an anti-Zionist commitment and who align with our Charter and Points ofUnity. If you are interested in building the network in your city or town,please contact us at 


Intern with IJAN in the United States (clickhere to learn more about our internship program)

International Resistance to Zionism, Panel Discussion (Los Angeles)

International Resistance to Zionism panel On August 6, IJSN members hosted an event featuring 3international leaders of the network who had come to the United Statesto participate in IJSN’s first international meeting July 31st–August3rd. The panelists were: Gabriel Ash, an Ashkenzai Jew born in Romania,raised in Israel, and currently based in Geneva who is ananti-capitalist International Resistance to Zionism, Panel Discussion (Los Angeles)

US Social Forum

IJSN was one of the lead organizers of the Palestine Solidarity track at the first US Social Forum, held in Atlanta, Georgia from June 27 through July 1, 2008.


About Us

Our building in Morocco has just begun.  The experiences of Moroccan Jews remind us ofthe great majority of Jewish history in Northern Africa and the Middle East in which Jews lived as an integral part ofsociety without persecution and in co-existence with their neighbors.

The work of the network in Morocco will be developed and thewebsite updated in the next several months.