
Un vote de petits blancs

Les "petits blancs", comme on les appelle souvent avec mépris, sont les soutiers de la colonisation. Situés au bas de l’échelle des colonisateurs, ils sont d’autant plus solidaires de la colonisation qu’ils savent qu’il y a plus bas qu’eux, les colonisés. Ils pensent ainsi partager les bénéfices de la colonisation.

Un vote de petits blancs

Par Rudolf Bkouche

Les"petits blancs", comme on les appelle souvent avec mépris, sont lessoutiers de la colonisation. Situés au bas de l’échelle descolonisateurs, ils sont d’autant plus solidaires de la colonisationqu’ils savent qu’il y a plus bas qu’eux, les colonisés. Ils pensentainsi partager les bénéfices de la colonisation.

Ainsi ont fonctionné les colonies de peuplement, ainsi fonctionne Israël même si les conditions en sont différentes.

Israël n’est pas un Etat colonial classique au sens où il n’est pasl’émanation d’une métropole. Mouvement de conquête bien plus quemouvement colonial, le sionisme avait pour objectif moins d’exploiterles indigènes de la terre conquise que de les expulser. Mais il luifallait, pour assurer sa politique le soutien des puissancesimpérialistes ce qui l’a conduit à s’allier à celles-ci, la GrandeBretagne d’abord, les Etats-Unis aujourd’hui.

Mouvement nationaliste plus que mouvement colonial, il lui fallaitconquérir "son" peuple, c’est-à-dire les Juifs. Né en réaction àl’antisémitisme européen, le mouvement sioniste su aussi profiter decet antisémitisme pour apparaître, après le grand massacre du milieu duXXème siècle, comme le seul recours contre l’antisémitisme, et fairecroire que l’Etat d’Israël issu de la conquête de la Palestine était lerefuge pour les Juifs. La partie était d’autant plus facile que laplupart des opposants au sionisme, juifs orthodoxes ou juifsrévolutionnaires, communistes ou bundistes, avaient disparu dans legénocide. Le sionisme s’imposait ainsi comme la seule expression juivedans le monde.

L’Etat d’Israël pouvait alors regrouper en son sein la grande majoritédes survivants du génocide, transformant ainsi les parias de l’Europeen un peuple conquérant. Et cela était d’autant plus facile que lejeune Etat bénéficiait du soutien de l’Occident, URSS comprise, mêlantla culpabilité européenne devant les conséquences de l’antisémitisme etles intérêts géopolitiques des puissances.
Les parias de l’Europe se retrouvaient ainsi les petits soldats del’impérialisme, le bastion avancé de la civilisation face à labarbarie, pour reprendre une expression de Herzl ; ce qui n’étaitpeut-être qu’un argument de circonstance pour obtenir le soutien despuissances coloniales est devenu aujourd’hui l’un des points forts dusoutien de l’Occident à Israël. Il est moins question, pour l’Occident,de soutenir un Etat étranger que de soutenir une part de lui-même et larécente décision de "rehaussement" prise par l’Union Européenne nousrappelle que pour celle-ci l’Etat d’Israël fait partie de l’Europe.Cette décision qui renforce les accords d’association antérieurs marquel’entrée officieuse d’Israël dans l’Union Européenne.

Le résultat des dernières élections israéliennes marque unecontinuité politique, moins dans la répartition des voix selon lesdifférents partis que dans la volonté de continuer de tenir à distanceles Palestiniens, de continuer l’occupation et la colonisation etd’assurer l’hégémonie israélienne sur la terre palestinienne. Quelledifférence, en ce qui concerne les Palestiniens, entre un partitravailliste classé à gauche, un parti dit centriste et un parti dit dedroite ? Ils ont tous contribué à renforcer l’hégémonie israélienne,ils ont tous contribué à renforcer la colonisation, ils ont touscontribué à refuser toute possibilité d’une solution reconnaissant lesdroits des Palestiniens. Ils n’ont su qu’exaspérer le sentimentd’insécurité des Israéliens pour mieux l’utiliser pour mener à bienleur politique.

Qu’importe alors qui sera premier ministre, cela relève de la luttede clans entre les divers partis israéliens, mais cela ne changera pasla politique. Pour le comprendre il suffit de regarder l’histoire desdivers processus de paix qui se sont déroulés ces dernières années. Uninvariant marque ces divers processus, la poursuite de la colonisationde la terre. On pouvait expliquer, publiquement, que ces processus,pour aboutir à un règlement général, exigeaient, sinon le démantèlementdes colonies, du moins l’arrêt de leur extension, la colonisationcontinuait au nom d’une croissance démographique proclamée naturelle.Et les Palestiniens voyaient se rétrécir de jour en jour le territoiredont ils disposaient.

Il faut alors comprendre que cette politique ne relève pas d’undébat politique entre les partis. Elle est inscrite dans l’idéologiequi a conduit à la création de l’Etat d’Israël en Palestine. Cet Etatest né de la volonté de conquérir la terre palestinienne et d’enexpulser les habitants. La seule paix possible, pour les leaders dumouvement sioniste, ne peut venir que de l’acceptation pas leshabitants de la Palestine des diktats israéliens.
La proposition d’Arafat acceptant le principe de deux Etats,l’israélien et le palestinien, proclamée en 1988, si elle marquaitl’acceptation du fait accompli, était inacceptable pour l’Etat d’Israëlqui n’y a jamais répondu, y compris lors des Accords d’Oslo. Et lapoursuite de la colonisation montrait combien le droit des Palestiniensne comptait pas pour les gouvernements israéliens, quelle que soit leurcouleur politique.

L’Etat d’Israël est en guerre depuis sa création, guerre au nom de sasécurité, ce maître-mot qui définit la politique israélienne. Et celasonne d’autant plus fort qu’il n’est pas seulement question de lasécurité d’un Etat, mais de la sécurité des Juifs du monde. Car cetteguerre permanente ne se contente pas de développer un chauvinismeisraélien, elle conduit à un chauvinisme juif qui tend à s’imposer àtous les juifs du monde. La question n’est plus de transformer lapopulation d’Israël en "petits blancs" au sens que nous avons ditci-dessus, elle est de transformer l’ensemble de la population juivedans le monde en "petits blancs" solidaires de la politiqueisraélienne. Cette solidarité proclamée par les officines sionistes quesont devenues trop souvent des organisations se proclamant lesreprésentants des communautés juives dans le monde, permet de renforcerl’équation "juif = sioniste" et ainsi un sentiment de solidarité entrel’ensemble des Juifs et la politique israélienne, d’autant que cettevolonté d’israélisation des Juifs est acceptée par les souteneursd’Israël.

C’est le sens de la politique israélienne, c’est aussi le sens d’unvote d’enfermement des Israéliens qui ont choisi, quel que soit leparti pour lequel ils ont voté, la continuité d’une politiquecriminelle.

Rudolf Bkouche,
membre de l’UJFP et du mouvement IJAN
( 23 février 2009 )

Israeli Slaughter, International Culpability

 Gaza massacre points to urgent need for viable sanctions

 By Dan Freeman-Maloy


There is every reason to be outraged. But despite the severity of Israeli atrocities in Gaza, we have little right to act surprised. Whatever else can be said, Israel has made it abundantly clear that until its actions are met with credible international sanctions, it will subject Palestinians (and very likely others in the region) to massive, recurring waves of violence.

This was clear when the Obama-Biden campaign helped to lay the political foundation for this assault. It was clear when, amidst threats of such an operation and ongoing colonization in the West Bank, the European Union voted to upgrade relations with Israel earlier this month. For those of us in Canada, it has been clear as the Harper government has sharpened its alignment with Israel in the absence of any sustained parliamentary opposition.

Still, although "Operation Cast Lead" (as the Israeli regime has dubbed its latest assault) extends more or less naturally from longstanding Israeli policies, it is many ways especially despicable. The most obvious issue is its scale. Beginning on the morning of Saturday the 27th, approximately 110 Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jets and helicopters bombarded the densely populated Gaza Strip with more than 100 tons of explosives, initiating what may well evolve into an even broader onslaught. By the end of the day, more than 230 Palestinians had been killed, an additional 780+ wounded.

As the death toll from air strikes continues to climb, hundreds of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) infantry and armored corps troops have been deployed on the border with Gaza along with IDF artillery batteries, and several thousands reservists have been called up in preparation for a potential ground invasion.

The assault has been characterized by brazen contempt for civilian life and by crass, cynical diplomacy.

The Israeli daily Ha’aretz reports that the IDF, long planning for such an operation, received final authorization the morning of Friday the 26th. That day, Major General Amiram Levin (res.) spoke on IDF Radio and conveyed the flavour of Israeli military doctrine regarding the then impending attack: "The whole issue of fighting against and bringing down the Hamas regime is a mistake and very difficult to achieve. What we have to do is act systematically with the aim of punishing all the organizations that are firing the rockets and mortars, as well as the civilians who are enabling them to fire and hide."[1] Yoav Galant, the head of Israeli Southern Command and a key commander in the attack, has since stated that a key operational goal is pursuing "the maximum number of enemy casualties [while] keeping Israel Defense Force casualties at a minimum." Recall that Israel has designated the Gaza Strip as a whole an "enemy entity."

It can also not be emphasized enough that, bombardment or no bombardment, Israel is perpetrating a profound and ongoing crime against the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees in Gaza who have been stripped of political and residency rights within what is now Israel, pushed from their homes (mostly in 1948), and concentrated in a densely populated coastal territory under effective Israeli control from the borders and the sky. Military assaults such as these, like the more sustained policies of siege and economic suffocation, aggressively build upon this fundamental crime.

As for the diplomatic component of this assault, there is little question that the timing was cynically calculated in an effort to reduce international pressure. Some are happy with the results. Ha’aretz military correspondent Amir Oren, for instance, writes that "Israel’s timing of the offensive is actually pretty good: Both the paratroopers and the Golani brigade, which was going to replace them, maintained a high level of preparedness while most of the international inspectors in the region went home for Christmas — only 15 remain in Gaza." A similar dynamic has compounded the effects of Israeli restrictions in limiting the presence of foreign media correspondents.

Still, there is no way that the international community can plead ignorance or stubborn gullibility, and responsibility for this ongoing slaughter extends far beyond Israel.

Egyptian officials, some of whom met with Israeli counterparts in the lead-up to the attack, reportedly provided explicit endorsement for Israeli military action against Gaza. Just before the assault, Egyptian forces were sent to reinforce the crossing at Rafah, the one land crossing Gaza has that does not border Israel.

The United States, whose Israeli-piloted aircraft are raining death and destruction upon Gaza (following up on the Obama campaign’s dangerous rhetoric), has toed the familiar line. Bush administration officials have blamed the Israeli onslaught on the Palestinians, as the president-elect expresses "appreciation" for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s updates regarding the unfolding crime.[2] Meanwhile, European Union officials have used their upgraded contacts with Israel to issue a toothless call for a ceasefire, persistently packaging the ongoing massacre as a symmetrical conflict.[3]

So-called "Quartet" envoy Tony Blair, for his part, had a week before the invasion already all but openly called for an Israeli assault on Gaza.

Regionally, the effective complicity of some governments and the inaction of others is at least precipitating an outpouring of organized outrage. Whether those culpable in Europe and North America face a sustained domestic backlash will reveal much about the political integrity of civil society sectors and the health of anything worth describing as progressive politics in our societies.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military assault has predictably been paralleled by a diplomatic or Hasbara (propaganda) offensive which has been publicly discussed for some time. "We won’t win in the suffering stakes," Yarden Vatikay, head of the Information Directorate of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office, was quoted  as warning advocates on December 26, "but we have to try to move the focus to the Hamas terror attacks against our civilians."[4] Foreign minister Tzipi Livni is stepping up whitewashing efforts in precisely this spirit.

Defense minister Ehud Barak, perhaps betting that association with additional war crimes offers a boost to any candidate in the current Israeli electoral climate (parliamentary elections are slated for February), has also been chipping in on the Hasbara front. In an interview with Fox News, Barak continued to mesh the politics of Israeli aggression with the "war on terror" — indeed, many Israeli columnists are proudly describing "Cast Lead" as Israel’s very own "Shock and Awe." "For us to be asked to have a ceasefire with Hamas is like asking you to have a ceasefire with Al-Qaida," Barak declared to his US audience, adding a direct threat of ground invasion: "If boots on the ground will be needed, they will be there."[5]

The idea that any of this is "needed," that any component of this operation is necessary, is nonsense. But it is nonsense with broad Israeli parliamentary backing. At the far "dovish" end of Jewish Israeli party politics, for example, Meretz joined in calling for an assault on Gaza and was kept informed as the plans were put into effect.[6]

Still, anyone with their eyes open must see the vast gap separating Israeli objectives from the Hasbara so dutifully parrotted throughout the West.

Consider the words of Israeli Brigadier General (res.) Shmuel Zakai, former commander of the IDF’s Gaza Division, speaking on IDF Radio a few days before the invasion.

"In Zakai’s view," Ha’aretz reported on December 22, "Israel’s cen

tral error during the tahadiyeh, the six-month period of relative truce that formally ended on Friday, was failing to take advantage of the calm to improve, rather than markedly worsen, the economic plight of the Palestinians of the Strip."

Zakai, stressing that Israel has "made every effort to separate ourselves from the Palestinians," expressed some bewilderment at the apparent Israeli determination to go beyond concentrating Palestinians in a ghettoized Gaza (the right ethnic cleansing move, from his perspective) in order to actively suffocate their economy while using military assaults as the main instrument to force them to starve in peace.

"It’s just like after the disengagement," Zakai was quoted as saying. "We left Gaza and we thought that troubles were over. Did we really think that a million and a half people living in that kind of poverty were going to mount the rooftops and sing the Betar hymn? That is illogical." But instead of negotiating a truce based on the limited concessions which Hamas would accept under the circumstances (including opening crossings so that those imprisoned in Gaza can at least subsist), Israel has again opted for escalating violence.

The operative mindset was supportively presented on Saturday by Yaakov Katz, military correspondent and defense analyst for the Jerusalem Post: "The end-strategy is not completely formulated but officials said that if Hamas gets down on its knees and begs Israel to stop, the request will be considered."

This vile, depraved determination to collectively punish and humiliate defies all but effectively genocidal logic.

Such logic may play well in the Israeli electoral arena. Reports indicate that the far-right Israel Beiteinu is siphoning votes from Likud for its resolute calls for escalating violence.[7] Given his perceived role in the invasion, "Barak is back in the political ring," one Ha’aretz report suggests. Perhaps Kadima, enveloping itself in the legacy of Ariel Sharon and visibily orchestrating the invasion Hasbara, can get itself some of the credit. The Israeli military establishment will meanwhile effectively keep formulating and implementing policy.

But if these latest atrocities do not provoke the sort of rage that can be sustained, defended and directed against those European and North American officials who facilitate these crimes, those of us in the West will have less and less ground to credibly disassociate ourselves from massacres such as these.

Whether Israel escalates this massacre with ground troops or pulls back in order to merely confine and suffocate the population of Gaza for a period, it is frighteningly clear that without forceful external pressure, much worse is yet to come.

[1] "Israeli general says Hamas must not be the only target in Gaza; Text of report by IDF Radio on 26 December," December 26 2008, BBC Monitoring Middle East.
[2] "Obama, Rice discuss Israel’s strikes against Hamas," December 28 2008, Xinhua News Agency.
[3] "Solana calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza," December 27 2008, Agence France Presse.
[4] Anshel Pfeffer, "Israel prepares troops and PR offensive to counter Hamas," December 26 2008, the Jewish Chronicle.
[5] "Israel ‘cannot accept’ ceasefire with Hamas says Barak," December 27 2008, Reuters.
[6] Joshua Mitnick, "Israel threatens offensive in Gaza — Government tells Hamas to stop rocket attacks, warning ‘we are stronger,’" December 26 2008, The Wall Street Journal.
[7] Toni O’Loughlin, "Israeli far right gains ground as Gaza rockets fuel tension," December 27 2008, The Guardian.

Jewish editor sacked for publishing article

This article was sent to Debbie Ducro, an American-Jewish journalistwith the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle. She published it, and was firedthe next day.

Quest for justice

By Judith Stone

I am a Jew. I was a participant in the Rally for the Right of Return to Palestine . It was the right thing to do.

I’ve heard about the European holocaust against the Jews since I wasa small child. I’ve visited the memorials in Washington , DC and Jerusalem dedicated to Jewish lives lost and I’ve cried at the recognition to what level of atrocity mankind is capable of sinking.

Where are the Jews of conscience? No righteous malice can be heldagainst the survivors of Hitler’s holocaust. These fragments ofhumanity were in no position to make choices beyond that of personalsurvival. We must not forget that being a survivor or a co-religionistof the victims of the European Holocaust does not grant dispensationfrom abiding by the rules of humanity.

"Never again" as a motto, rings hollow when it means "never again tous alone." My generation was raised being led to believe that thebiblical land was a vast desert inhabited by a handful of impoverishedPalestinians living with their camels and eking out a living in thesand. The arrival of the Jews was touted as a tremendous benefit tothese desert dwellers. Golda Meir even assured us that there "is no Palestinian problem".

We know now this picture wasn’t as it was painted. Palestine was aland filled with people who called it home. There were thriving townsand villages, schools and hospitals. There were Jews, Christians andMuslims.

In fact, prior to the occupation, Jews represented a mere seven per cent of the population and owned three per cent of the land.

Taking the blinders off for a moment, I see a second atrocityperpetuated by the very people who should be exquisitely sensitive tothe suffering of others. These people knew what it felt like to beordered out of your home at gun point and forced to march into thenight to unknown destinations or face execution on the spot. The peoplewho displaced the Palestinians knew first hand what it means to watchyour home in flames, to surrender everything dear to your heart at amoment’s notice. Bulldozers levelled hundreds of villages, along withthe remains of the village inhabitants, the old and the young. This wasnothing new to the world.

Poland is a vast graveyard of the Jews of Europe. Israel is the final resting place of the massacred Palestinian people.A short distance from the memorial to the Jewish children lost to theholocaust in Europe there is a levelled parking lot. Under this parkinglot is what’s left of a once flourishing village and the bodies of men,women and children whose only crime was taking up needed space and notleaving graciously. This particular burial marker reads: "PublicParking".

I’ve talked with Palestinians. I have yet to meet a Palestinian whohasn’t lost a member of their family to the Israeli Shoah, nor aPalestinian who cannot name a relative or friend languishing under inhumane conditionsin an Israeli prison. Time and time again, Israel is cited for humanrights violations to no avail. On a recent trip to Israel , I visitedthe refugee camps inhabited by apeople who have waited 52 years in these ‘temporary’ camps to go home.Every Palestinian grandparent can tell you the name of their village,their street, and where the olive trees were planted. Theirgrandchildren may never have been home, but they can tell you wheretheir great-grandfather lies buried and where the village well stood.The press has fostered the portrait of the Palestinian terrorist. Butthe victims who rose up against human indignity in the Warsaw Ghettoare called heroes. Those who lost their lives are called martyrs. ThePalestinian who tosses a rock in desperation is a terrorist.

Two years ago I drove through Palestine and watched intricatesprinkler systems watering lush green lawns of Zionist settlers intheir new condominium complexes, surrounded by armed guards and barbedwire in the midst of a Palestinian community where there was notadequate water to drink and the surrounding fields were sandy and dry.University professor Moshe Zimmerman reported in the Jerusalem Post (30 April, 1995), "The [Jewish] children of Hebron are just like Hitler’s youth."

We Jews are suing for restitution, lost wages, compensation forhomes, land, slave labour and back wages in Europe . Am I a traitor ofa Jew for supporting the right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their birthplace and compensation for what was taken that cannot be returned?

The Jewish dead cannot be brought back to life and neither can the Palestinian massacred be resurrected. David Ben Gurionsaid, "Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves… politically, we arethe aggressors and they defend themselves.. .The country is theirs,because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down,and in their view we want to take away from them their country…".

Palestine is a land that has been occupied and emptied of itspeople. Its cultural and physical landmarks have been obliterated andreplaced by tidy Hebrew signs. The history of a people was the firstthing eradicated by the occupiers. The history of the indigenous peoplehas been all but eradicated as though they never existed. And all thishas been hailed by the world as a miraculous act of God. We mustrecognise that Israel ‘s existence is not even a question of legalityso much as it is an illegal fait accompli realised through the use offorce while supported by the Western powers. The UN missions directedat Israel in attempting to correct its violations of have thus far beenfutile.

In Hertzl’s ‘The Jewish State’ the father of Zionism said: "We mustinvestigate and take possession of the new Jewish country by means ofevery modern expedient." I guess I agree with Ehud Barak( 3 June 1998) when he said, "If I were a Palestinian, I’d also join aterror group." I’d go a step further perhaps. Rather than throwinglittle stones in desperation, I’d hurtle a boulder.

Hopefully, somewhere deep inside, every Jew of conscience knows thatthis was no war; that this was not G-d’s restitution of the holy landto it’s rightful owners. We know that a human atrocity was andcontinues to be perpetuated against an innocent people who couldn’tcome up with the arms and money to defend themselves against thewestern powers bent upon their demise as a people.

We cannot continue to say, "But what were we to do?" Zionism is notsynonymous with Judaism. I wholly support the rally of the right ofreturn of the Palestinian people.

Contact Independent Catholic News

Manifestamos nuestro REPUDIO a la liviandad irresponsable con que se han lanzado acusaciones

Manifestamos nuestro REPUDIO a la liviandadirresponsable con que se han lanzado acusaciones infundadas contra el gobiernode Venezuela por el ataque a la sinagoga de Caracas perpetrado el 30 de eneropasado. Los múltiples correos electrónicos, blogs y noticias en varios diariospublicados, donde se presenta al ataque a la sinagoga como un supuesto "rebroteantisemita", y donde se suele omitir deliberadamente que el Gobierno deVenezuela ha condenado el ataque y que la policía de ese país desarrollaintensas investigaciones para punir a los culpables, no dejan lugar a dudas deque se está orquestando una campaña para inculpar al gobierno de Venezuela.

Consideramosparticularmente sintomático que tales acusaciones encuentren eco principal yjustamente en los mismos factores que ayer aplaudieron y aún aplauden lasacciones del ejército israelí que provocaron la masacre de 1400 palestinos enGaza, más de la mitad civiles, entre ellos 400 niños, y la destrucción deescuelas, hospitales, edificios del gobierno y MEZQUITAS.

Resulta tambiénrevelador que esta campaña haya sido lanzada pocos días después de que elPresidente de Venezuela se haya "atrevido" a oponerse a las acciones delejército de Israel en Gaza, y nada menos que en vísperas del referéndum en elque el pueblo de Venezuela deberá decidir sobre una reforma constitucionalpropuesta por el Gobierno.

Insistimos en que soneste tipo de campañas sediciosas, además de las acciones criminales delGobierno de Israel, las que atentan contra la paz y ostentan el mayor peligrode generar sentimientos antijudíos en sectores reaccionarios de la comunidad.

Por lo tanto,condenamos enérgicamente esta campaña infame contra el Gobierno de Venezuela,al tiempo que, por otro lado, manifestamos nuestra satisfacción por la rapidezcon la que éste parece estar impulsando las investigaciones para encontrar alos culpables por el ataque a la sinagoga.

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Action Boycott




Pour les francophones, il y a a regarder le lien, toute est claire.

The action documented in this video was initiated by Europalestine.  The action occured in Saint Denis, a popular neighborhood on the outskirts of Paris.

WE were around 30 people; some were in the supermarket, doing as you will see the first activist is in the video… outraged by the fact that

1:Carrefour [a supermarket] sells Israeli products….impossible to know were they are made in the OPT or…

2-some products like "flowers" are even without any label to know where are they from…

The list of goods (given  to the bypassers and the customers) is from the Zionist website UPJF, published with the explanation that the purchase of these products is a moral duty for any Israel supporter.

The customers and the cashiers were friendly, guards much less so.  The police came, and in the end Carrefour closed up the shop for some time.

IJAN, reseau internationaml juif antisioniste,  is announced at the end of the video.

IJAN in France is engaged in all BDS actions done in a proper manner (interpretating the actions as antisemitic is not an option) and according to the recommendations of the Palestinian BNC, Boycott
National Committee.