We need your leadership!
With thelaunch of the network, we are hoping anti-Zionist Jews will take up the Charterand Call-to-Action in ways that are relevant to their location and inpartnership with existing Palestinesolidarity work. Share your current work and support the building ofinternational campaigns and strategies to collectively confront Zionism.
For the pasttwo years, we have been building an international network of anti-Zionist Jewsto support existing and seed new Jewish anti-Zionist organizing in solidaritywith Palestinian resistance. The enemy we face is international, and what wecan do is limited unless we find ways to work together across boundaries andregions.
We are buildingan international voice which challenges Zionism and its claim to speak onbehalf of Jews worldwide. As an international force, we can contribute to themovement to defeat Israeli colonialism. Click here to read more about the history of IJAN.
Charter of theInternational Jewish anti-Zionist Network
Weare an international network of Jews who are uncompromisingly committed tostruggles for human emancipation, of which the liberation of the Palestinianpeople and land is an indispensable part. Our commitment is to the dismantlingof Israeli apartheid, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the ending of theIsraeli colonization of historic Palestine.
FromPoland to Iraq, from Argentinato South Africa, fromBrooklyn to Mississippi,Jews have taken up their quest for justice, and their desire for a more justworld, by joining with others in collective struggles. Jews participatedprominently in the workers’ struggle of the depression era, in the civil rightsmovement, in the struggle against South African Apartheid, in the struggleagainst fascism in Europe, and in many othermovements for social and political change. The State of Israel’s historic andongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from their land contradictsand betrays these long histories of Jewish participation in collectiveliberation struggles.
Zionism-the founding andcurrent ideology that manifested in the State of Israel-took root in the era ofEuropean colonialism and was spread in the aftermath of the Nazi genocide.Zionism has been nourished by the most violent and oppressive histories of thenineteenth Century, at the expense of the many strains of Jewish commitment toliberation. To reclaim them, and a place in the vibrant popular movements ofour time, Zionism, in all its forms, must be stopped.
This is crucial, firstand foremost, because of Zionism’s impact on the people of Palestine and the broader region. It alsodishonors the persecution and genocide of European Jews by using their memoryto justify and perpetuate European racism andcolonialism. It is responsible for the extensive displacement andalienation of Mizrahi Jews (Jews of African andAsian descent) from their diverse histories, languages, traditions andcultures. Mizrahi Jews have a history in this region of over 2,000 years. AsZionism took root, these Jewish histories were forced from their own course inservice of the segregation of Jews imposed by the State of Israel.
As such, Zionismimplicates us in the oppression of the Palestinian people and in the debasementof our own heritages, struggles for justice and alliances with our fellow humanbeings. (Read more)
Our pledge in theCharter will be carried out through our commitments to: 1) solidarity with Palestinian self-determination, 2) participation in global movements toend imperialism, and 3) theextrication of Jewish history, politics, community, and culture from the gripof Zionism.
To these ends, in thishistorical moment, the IJAZ Network will be a clear anti-Zionist Jewish point of reference to set an ideologicalpole, open space for non-Jewish anti-Zionist voices, and broaden support forPalestinian liberation.
Towards fulfilling thisstrategic role, we are calling anti-Zionist Jews to take up the followingactions in the world. (Read more)