
Justice universelle et massacres de masse au XX

 Lundi 8 février, 19h30, auCICP

21ter,rue Voltaire 75011 Paris

(métroRue des Boulets)


Mouvementdes Indigènes de la République (MIR)

RéseauInternational Juif Antisioniste (IJAN)

Traite esclavagiste, génocide des Juifs et desTsiganes, massacres parles puissances coloniales … La barbarie initiée aucours du XVIèmesiècle par les civilisations européennes colonialistes n’a rien à envier auxviolences de toute l’histoire humaine. Or,les massacres de masses ne sont paségalement dénoncés, suivant que leur mémoireest relayée ou non par un État, etdifféremment s’il s’agit d’un État puissant,ou ami.

Pour comprendre cette « hiérarchisation »,nouspréférons utiliser le terme « massacres de masse », car il estplusdescriptif que « génocide » ou « crimes contrel’humanité ».Nous souhaitons comparer les faits et leur mémoire, endistinguant les interprétations.

Car il nous faut nous affranchirdel’instrumentalisation du passé par les dominants, et définir une compréhension commune. La hiérarchisation des identités – que ce soit sur des bases raciale, religieuseou ethnique – est le résultat d’une construction intéressée.

Remettre en cause ce traitement inégalpermetd’envisager une résistance solidaire face à toutes les oppressions, de dénoncerl’impunité,les massacres en cours, voire de contribuer à prévenir ceux quipourraientadvenir.

Cliquezici pour un calendrier de la tournée européenne.


In Contempt: Zionism and McCarthyism in Canada

“In Contempt: Zionism and McCarthyism in Canada” by Naomi Binder Wall, speaks to some of the comparisons being drawn between Zionism and McCarthyism, as an escalating backlash in Canada continues to attack critics of the Israeli state. These attacks have taken a sinister turn, marked by escalating government interference including ominous changes to Canadian foreign policy language, Islamophobic homeland security operations, and cancellation of federal funding to prominent Arab and other organizations providing programs, settlement services, and project support in Palestine. “In Contempt: Zionism and McCarthyism in Canada” is available in the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) Weekly Newsletter, January 26, 2010. CAF is the national organization representing Canadians of Arab origin.

Omar Barghouti Packs House to Launch LA "Thirst for Justice Campaign"


Palestinian Human Rights Activist Omar Barghouti addressed a standing-room only crowd as he condemned Israel’s basic denial of Palestinians’ right to water and renewed the call for an international campaign of boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israeli apartheid. The event at Loyola Law School in LA’s Pico Union neighborhood formally launched the "Thirsting for Justice" campaign, which attempts to redress the question of water rights in Palestine by taking aim at an agreement between the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Israel water technology company called Kinrot. Barghouti spoke at length about Palestinian access to water, citing a just-released Amnesty International report. He also made a strong case why people in Los Angeles and around the US who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people must take up the boycott/divestment/sanctions movement (BDS) as a central piece of their work.

The event was organized by BDS-LA, a new grassroots coalition dedicated to building the movement for boycott, domestic and sanctions in LA and co-founded in June, 2009 by IJAN-LA, the LA Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, and the Campaign to End Israel Apartheid-Southern California. BDS-LA developed the Thirsting for Justice campaign after discovering a preliminary agreement between the city’s water department and the Israel water company — an agreement directly linked to a trip of Los Angeles political leaders to Israel to promote relations between Los Angeles and Israel. BDS-LA members argue that Los Angeles should not be doing business with companies directly linked to Israeli apartheid. The campaign calls on the city to dispense with any plan to carry forward the preliminary agreement and to commit not to engage in any further business collaboration with Israel around water issues.

Deconstructing Zionism Workshop Dispels Myths for LA Jews

IJAN-LA held a 4-part workshop series in October and November of 2009 to educate LA Jews about the history of Zionism, Palestinian resistance, and the reality of current struggle.

Sixteen people attended this work geared specifically for Jews who self-identify as anti-Zionist or are "questioning" Zionism and want to learn more. Three out of the four workshops were 3-hour sessions with readings assigned to participants for each. Each session included one section of a historical timeline of the Palestine-Zionist conflict from 1880’s to the present. They also included presentations and discussions on "Basic Principles of Zionism", "The Jewish and Palestinian National Questions" and "Historic and Contemporary Resistance to Zionism." This last segment highlighted tendencies and dynamics in the long history of Palestinian resistance to Zionism as well as contemporary Palestine solidarity organizing and the role of Jews within this movement (emphasizing IJAN’s understanding of the role of Jews.) For the fourth "session" of the workshop, we attended the BDS-LA-organized Omar Barghouti speaking engagement at Loyola Law School, which gave participants a very cogent argument for boycott, divestment, and sanctions as a core strategy for challenging Zionism and Israeli apartheid in the world at the moment.


To Shoot an Elephant 

El 18 de enero de 2010 se cumple el primer aniversario del fin del bombardeo de Israel sobre Gaza; ataque que duró desde el 27 de diciembre de 2008 hasta el 18 de enero de 2009 y que terminó con la vida de 1.412 palestinos. El documental “To Shoot An Elephant” (TSAE) narra, desde el interior de la Franja de Gaza, lo ocurrido durante aquellos días. Convertido en narración directa y privilegiada de los bombardeos quiere ser herramienta para hacer frente a la propaganda israelí y al silencio internacional.

Haga clic aquí para leer más. 

Hajo Meyer in the Huffington Post: 'An Ethical Tradition Betrayed'

I was 20 years old when Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet army 55 years ago. This occurred just in time because 10 months imprisonment in Auschwitz-Gleiwitz-1 had weakened me considerably. One needed a hell of a lot of luck in order to survive that long under the circumstances in that camp.

Two important components of luck were on my side. First, during my first years as a refugee kid in the Netherlands I had learned to be a locksmith. So during the very strong winter of ’44-’45 I worked in the warmth of a factory. Second, I had acquired a very good and completely trustworthy friend, called Jos. We helped each other as much as possible. The two of us did indeed survive.

Another aspect of my friendship with Jos was that in spite of — or better, due to — the extremely high number of people per square foot in such a camp, one felt extremely lonely. Because of our friendship, mutual help and absolute mutual trust we were not lonely. This was vital to our psychological survival.

Psychological survival is at least as important as physical survival. In fact, the Nazi concentration camps were their attempt to dehumanize us Jews. If a prisoner became part of the oppression system by being Kapo, the dehumanization would be successful. Obviously, the non-Jewish members of the oppression system were also no longer fully human. I realized there that anybody from a dominating group who tries to dehumanize people from a minority group, can only do so if by education, indoctrination and propaganda he has already been dehumanized himself, independent of the uniform he wears.

It is a deep tragedy that in Israel this is not what one concludes from the experiences in Auschwitz. To the contrary, Auschwitz is elevated there into a new religion.    

Newspaper Article in Response to Never Again Tour: "Auschwitz survivor: ‘Israel acts like Nazis'"

Exclusive: Graeme Murray and Chris Watt One of the last remaining Auschwitz survivors has launched a blistering attack on Israel over its occupation of Palestine as he began a lecture tour of Scotland. Dr Hajo Meyer, 86, who survived 10 months in the Nazi death camp, spoke out as his 10-day tour of the UK Newspaper Article in Response to Never Again Tour: "Auschwitz survivor: ‘Israel acts like Nazis'"

Dr. Hajo Meyer and Dr. Haidar Eid are on tour NOW in the UK and Ireland


On January 27, Holocaust Remembrance Day, leading politicians from the U.S. and Europe will join in honoring the memory ofJews killed in the Nazi genocide. Yet the immensity of that tragedy is dishonored by the hypocrisy of the ceremonies: those who pay homage to the victims of yesterday’s silence are silent about today’s inhumanity. We say, "Never again!" For anyone. Never again for the people of Gaza. Never again for all those struggling against dehumanization, racism andgenocide everywhere, every day.