
Workshop at Madrid World Social Forum

At the World Social Forum in Madrid, an IJAN activist presented in a workshop on the role of the internationalsolidarity movement in the Palestinian struggle.  The workshop was organized by AsociacionCultura, Paz y Solidaridad «Haydee Santamaria», IJAN, Izquierda Anticapitalista(Anticapitalist Left), and Via Democratica (Democratic Way, Morocco).

Presentation for the UNRWA Spanish educational chapter

An IJAN activist presented in a workshop called "Children and Youth in Two Realities" convened by the UNRWA Spanish educational chapter.  The presentation was on the history of the Zionistoccupation of Palestine, the building of Israel society, and human rights in Israeland Palestinian societies.

Demonstration against Israel attack on Gaza Flotilla

IJAN participated in the call of the centraldemonstration demanding "the end of Israel impunity, of EU-Israel agreementsand military partnership, and of Palestine occupation and Gaza blockade"promoted by the Spanish Solidarity Network Against the Occupation of Palestine.

Spanish BDS web site

IJAN Spain provided on going support over the last severalmonths to the launching of a Spanish BDS website found at

Coordination of Campaigns Against the Jewish National Fund

Early in May, a group of activists and lawyers met in Edinburgh, Scotland.  The goal of the meeting was the developmentand international coordination of campaigns against the Jewish National Fund(JNF).  The conference was co-sponsoredby four groups – the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the PalestinianBoycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (Palestine), the ScottishPSC and Habitat International Coalition. Several such campaigns were already in existence in variouscountries. 

The Stop the JNFcampaign will expose the JNF’s anti-charitable history of political andfinancial support and military intelligence for the ethnic cleansing ofPalestine, building parks and forests to hide villages destroyedin 1948 and 1967, as well as its currentprojects, including land and water theft from Bedouin communities in the Negev,and illegally acquiring lands and houses in occupied Jerusalem through itsprivate subsidiary Hemnuta.

To read the report in Dutch or French, click on "read more" and then scroll to the bottom of the full English report.


IJAN US Year-in-Review

IJAN has grown in thepast year to include five chapters across theUnited States. We are also active in IJAN’s labor work group, and have active academicand student work groups.  We are buildingwork groups to focus on anti-Zionist Jewish organizing in queer, Jew of Colorand spiritual sectors.

The firsthalf of 2010 focused on organizing and hosting the 2010 US Assembly of Jews – Confronting Racism & Israeli Apartheidand participation in the organizing of the US Social Forum. The Assembly andSocial Forum were opportunities for us to come together and build our sharedpolitics, direction and relationships to create anagenda to do so. This work includes our continued participation in BDS,demonstrations and public education; the launching of an international campaignagainst the Jewish National Fund; acall for confronting Islamophobia and political repression against those whospeak out against the War on Terror; and continuing to bring a clear anduncompromising Jewish complaint against Zionism. 

Announced as avictory by its newest member, J-Street, the World Zionist Organization came out with its agenda forthe next three years: secure US support for Israel even if doing so meansaccepting a Palestinian State (whose borders, air space, water andcommunication systems Israel controls) and a freeze to further development ofsettlements (despite that they are now protected by the Apartheid wall).  IJAN isready to organize an agenda to challenge the "special relationship" between the US and Israel, that J-Street’s agenda reflects, with support and pressurefrom our international comrades and partners.

This winter we willbring Hajo Meyer to the US to continue our challenge to the misuse of the Nazigenocide to justify the occupation of Palestine by drawing connections betweenthe Nazi genocide and other histories and current experiences ofdehumanization, including Palestine. This follows a successful IJAN Europe tour with Hajo Meyer last winter.