
IJAN Joins With IJV and UJPO to Condemn the Defacing of a Toronto Mosque

Below is an Open letter from Independent Jewish Voices, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network–Canada, and the United Jewish People’s Order, Toronto to the members of the Ja’ffari Mosque condemning the defacing of the mosque and the hateful targeting of Arabs and Muslims:
To the members of the Ja’ffari Mosque:
We condemn in the strongest possible terms the threats and hateful graffiti targeting Muslims and Arabs that were left on the Ja’ffari Mosque in Thornhill. These racist attacks echo the ongoing violence and assaults in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Israel against Palestinians and those Israeli Jews who dare to criticise the policies of the Israeli state. Independent Jewish Voices Canada, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Canada, and the United Jewish People’s Order, Toronto wish to express our solidarity with our Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters and call for restraint and respect from Jewish communities at this difficult moment. These acts are abhorrent and do not represent all Jews. Moreover, they go against the Jewish teachings most of us grew up with which urged us to “love thy neighbor as thyself”. Our own histories of oppression should be what guides us: Never again for anyone!

Across continents, Jews Take Action against Israeli Brutality: JOIN US!

From Tel Aviv to Toronto, Los Angeles to London, Chicago to San Francisco Jews Say No to Israeli Genocide We call on Jews all over the world to follow the call from Haider Eid, political activist and commentator, to “besiege Israeli consulates,” and to protest Zionist events attempting to justify Israel’s massacre of Palestinians. Below Across continents, Jews Take Action against Israeli Brutality: JOIN US!

No Cover for Israel’s Brutality: Jews of Conscience Disrupt Israeli Consul General in San Francisco

As bombs rain down on Gaza, and Israel intensifies its latest genocidal attacks with a ground invasion, the Jewish Community Relations Council, the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, and the Board of Rabbis of Northern California hosted “Stop the Sirens in Israel: An Emergency Solidarity Gathering” at Temple Emanu-El. “Stop the Sirens” is a national effort sponsored by the Reform Movement and led by the Jewish Federations of North America. In San Francisco, the Israeli Consul General, Andy David, spoke—or tried to speak.

IJAN Calls on Jews of Conscience to Take Action to Stop Israel: Let Gaza Live!

Like so many times before, Jews must take action against Israeli brutality IJAN and Jews Against Genocide call on Jews of Conscience to “lay siege” on Israeli consulates with protests, creative actions, pickets and demonstrations and to protest events that attempt to justify Israel’s brutality against the Palestinian people.

IJAN and Jews Against Genocide call on Jews of Conscience to “lay siege” on Israeli consulates with protests, creative actions, pickets and demonstrations and to protest events that attempt to justify Israel’s brutality against the Palestinian people.

Please email us reports of your actions @ ijan@ijsn.net and jewsagainstgenocide1948@gmail.com.

Jews Against Genocide statement and action

We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.

IJAN and Jews Against Genocide call on Jews of Conscience to “lay siege” on Israeli consulates with protests, creative actions, pickets and demonstrations and to protest events that attempt to justify Israel’s brutality against the Palestinian people.

Please email us reports of your actions @ ijan@ijsn.net and jewsagainstgenocide1948@gmail.com.

Protest Israel’s Escalation of Violence

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) condemns Israel’s escalation of violence, as well as the revenge threats by the Israeli government and citizens and Zionist organizations and public figures. We denounce Western states and media claiming this brutality is somehow justified retribution for the deaths of three Jewish settlers from the racist, Jewish-only colony of Gush Etzion in the West Bank of Palestine.

In the space of just a few days, the Gaza Strip has been indiscriminately bombarded by warplanes; upwards of 600 Palestinians have been rounded up and imprisoned, and at least ten Palestinians have been killed—including several children, a pregnant mother, and a seventeen-year old boy whose burnt, mutilated body was found dumped in a forest outside East Jerusalem. These actions expose the terrorism of a racist settler-colonial state. IJAN stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and defends their right to resist the violence of colonialism and apartheid.

It is urgent that we act: Over the next week, please organize rallies, protests, actions, demonstrations and vigils to protest this latest escalation of Israeli violence.

IJAN Stands with Professor Rabab Abdulhadi Against Intimidation and Silencing

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network stands with Professor Rabab Abdulhadi in the face of baseless political attacks against her by Tammi Rossman-Benjamin and her AMCHA network. These attacks are designed to silence Professor Abdulhadi and prevent her from carrying on her scholarship. Below, see the full statement from professor Abdulhadi refuting AMCHA’s claims. To support Professor Abdulhadi and oppose intimidation on campus, please visit: bit.ly/supportrabab

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I write to provide a response to the false allegations made against me by the AMCHA Initiative in its latest escalation of the McCarthyist repression campaign to silence discussion of Palestinian rights on campus.

The accusation that I misrepresented the nature and purpose of my January 2014 trip to Palestine and Jordan is false.

The record, including documents which AMCHA cites, demonstrates that my application for travel authorization was transparent and accurate. In five separate documents, I noted that the purpose of the trip was to attend an international conference and to research, network, and collaborate with potential university partners towards a possible memorandum of understanding between San Francisco State University (SFSU) and Palestinian universities.

A New War on Speech

by Selma James and Sara Kershnar Published in Jacobin Campaigns against Rabab Abdulhadi and other activists are calls for state-sponsored political harassment. In the United States, it’s on campuses that the push against Israeli colonialism is having its greatest success. Despite attempts to quash faculty and student speech, the movement continues to surge. Professors worldwide rallied A New War on Speech