
The Business of Backlash: The Attack on the Palestinian Movement and Other Movements for Social Justice

IJAN is excited to release our new report, The Business of Backlash: The Attack on the Palestinian Movement and Other Movements for Social Justice, which reveals the financing behind the attacks across the United States against those who have been organizing in support of Palestine. This long awaited 124 page report, which synthesizes thousands of pages of tax returns, demonstrates that a small handful of individuals, including right-wing donors Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers, Newton and Rochelle Becker, the Sarah Scaife foundation and the Bradley foundation are responsible for a huge portion of this funding. These same donors, many of whom earned their wealth from or are invested in industries that profit from war and instability in the Middle East, are involved in attacks on other progressive causes.

Legacies of Resistance: An Anti-Zionist Haggadah for a Liberation Seder

The Haggadah is a long-term collective project that has involved years of effort. Please consider making a small contribution of $4-$8, so we can continue working on projects like this. Follow the link below to download Legacies of Resistance: An Anti-Zionist Haggadah for a Liberation Seder written and published by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network: Legacies of Resistance: An Anti-Zionist Haggadah for a Liberation Seder

Racism, Militarism, Poverty: From Ferguson to Palestine

Dozens of organizations signed on to this letter defending Angela Davis’ speech at UC Santa Cruz’s 2015 Martin Luther King Convocation against attack by the Amcha Initiative.

Excerpt: “We write specifically in support of the movements and individuals, like Angela Davis, who are exposing the role of the U.S. government and its partnership with Israeli state agencies and corporations to police. This partnership has expanded repressive policing, which criminalizes Black, Brown, immigrant, poor, queer and transgender communities.”

Backlash Defense

IJAN works with organizations defending themselves and their communities from backlash. In the US, IJAN has been working with students, faculty, activists, and lawyers to create a strategic defense network. Our report, “The Business of Backlash: The Attack on Palestinian Movement and Other Social Justice Movements” outlines the forces and funding behind the backlash we face.

Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression – Pamphlet

Researched, written, and edited by members of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, this pamphlet focuses on the role of Israel’s government, its military, and related corporations and organizations in a global industry of violence and repression. The states most involved with this industry profit from perpetual war and occupation across the globe while maintaining vastly unequal societies of their own.

Available for download in: English, Spanish, French and Italian

IJAN Condemns Islamophobia and the Murder of three Muslim Students in Chapel Hill, NC

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) expresses its profound sympathy and grief over the brutal murder of three Muslim American students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill on February 10, 2015. We send our heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of the victims of this heinous crime. 19-year-old Razan Muhammed Abu-Salha, 21-year-old Yusor Muhammed Abu-Salha, and 23 year-old Deah Shaddy Barakat were all murdered in cold blood, “execution-style,” as the father of the two women said.

Plataforma Ciudadana Contra la Islamofobia

IJAN, International Jewish Antizionist Network, Red Internacional Judía antisionista por sus siglas en inglés, tiene el agrado de presentar su solidaridad con la Plataforma contra la Islamofobia. y su reclamo de un Plan Estratégico y una Ley Integral contra los Delitos de Odio, exigiendo su puesta en marcha a las autoridades españolas y a nivel estatal. Solicitamos tengan a bien de añadir nuestra red a vuestra lista de adhesiones.
En nuestra red, hay miembros activos, hijo/as y nieto/as de supervivientes del genocidio nazi. Asumimos la responsabilidad de solidarizarnos con aquellos perseguidos, oprimidos , vulnerables , con motivo de su fe, fisonomía, cultura, gentilicio… subrayando de forma contundente que el grito de Nunca Más, es Nunca más para todo grupo humano.

Charter of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Charter of the International Jewish anti-Zionist Network We are an international network of Jews who are uncompromisingly committed to struggles for human emancipation, of which the liberation of the Palestinian people and land is an indispensable part. Our commitment is to the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the ending of Charter of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Argentina Chapter

IJAN Argentina participa junto al Comité Argentino de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino (COARSPP) en campañas de denuncia y protesta contra las políticas de limpieza étnica y apartheid israelí.

IJAN Argentina participates in the Committee of Solidarity with the Palestinian People of Argentina (COARSPP), which consists of dozens of grassroots anti-imperialist and human rights organizations in Argentina.