
Letter of Support to Associated Students of UC Irvine

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) applauds and stands behind the November decision of the Associated Students of UC Irvine to urge the university to divest from Caterpillar, General Electric Company, Hewlett Packard, Raytheon, and other companies profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestine. This unanimous vote was the first successful effort of student governments in the U.S. to pass a resolution to hold their college or university accountable for its complicity in Israel’s ongoing colonization and occupation of Palestinians and their land. The Associated Students of UC Irvine’s decision joins the international movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it honors the full rights of all Palestinians. Modeled after the boycott movement that was instrumental in bring about the end of apartheid in South Africa, BDS is a means for civil society to demand accountability where governments and international institutions have failed to.

IJAN is a network of Jews throughout the world who work towards justice and dignity for all, and in particular for the self-determination of peoples who have been victims of colonization. The settler colonial state of Israel has been ethnically cleansing colonized and displaced Palestinians from their homes and land since the early twentieth century, and the campaign continues with ferocity today, stripping the Palestinians of their human rights with the aid of companies like G4S, Caterpillar, General Electric, SodaStream and many others. IJAN stands by the student body’s decision to divest from these corporations and rejects any attempts to undermine its historic move, whether it be by the university or any outside organization that stands in the way of justice. UC Irvine has the opportunity to be a leader and a trailblazer in demanding accountability for the continuing dispossession of Palestinians perpetrated by Israel. We fully expect the university to comply with the expressed will of its student representative body and eagerly anticipate their divestment.

Marcha reúne milhares em Porto Alegre

[Here is an article from a Brazilian newspaper about the big March in solidarity with Palestine on November 29th. It identifies IJAN as supporting a solution that sees full justice for everyone. However, the article falsely identifies IJAN as supporting the statehood bid. Additionally, the comments offered were addressing Palestinian self-determination, not statehood specifically.

Aqui está um artigo de um jornal brasileiro sobre a grande marcha em solidariedade com a Palestina em 29 de novembro. Ele identifica IJAN de apoiar uma solução que vê justiça plena para todos. No entanto, o artigo identificafalsamente IJAN como o apoio à candidatura estado. Além disso, os comentários foram oferecidos abordar a autodeterminação palestina, e nãoum Estado especificamente.]

IJAN and MXGM Delegation to Argentina and Venezuela

InArgentina, IJAN presented with the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement atthe Universidad Popular Madres Plaza de Mayo. The university wasfounded by those involved in the movement of mothers to identify andhold the government accountable for the "disappearance" of theirloved ones during the military dictatorship of the late 70s and early80s. In spite of a subway strike and the plumbing in the building notworking, we had an audience of 50 who listened with rapt attention.We presented with and were hosted by the Departmentof Genocide and Social Forces.

InVenezuela IJAN and MXGM had the opportunity to learn from and shareinformation with grassroots activists that are part of therevolution. Participants witnessed the opening day of apartments foralmost a thousand people, spoke at a university in the heart of the Afro-Venezuelan communities, were interviewed on national and local radio, and spoke with social movement activists from a number of different organizations. 

Comments on current events: Gaza, UN observer status and the WSFFP

TheWorld Social Forum Free Palestine (WSFFP) took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, atexactly the moment that Palestine was on the front page of every newspaperaround the world. The United Nations had just voted (138-9) to grantPalestinians limited statehood observer status at the United Nations.  Meanwhile, people in Gaza had also justsurvived another brutal Israeli onslaught.

Despiteour grief and rage at the latest attack on Gaza, the perseverance of thePalestinian people continues to be an inspiration. As has been true for almosta century, Palestine and the Palestinian people are in the stranglehold of aglobal negotiation for power and resources. And now, popular movements anduprisings throughout the region threaten the colonial hold of US, Europe,Israel and its collaborators with struggles against repression and massexploitation of resources, land and people and for basic survival and freedom. InSyria, the death toll has risen to an estimated 40,000-57,000 over the pasttwo-years as people’s fights against repression are suffocated and infiltratedby the interests of these same forces.

World Social Forum Free Palestine Report Back

The first thematicWorldSocial Forum to focus on Palestine tookplace in Porto Alegre, Brazil from 28 November – 1 December 2012.The Forum featured over 125 workshops and a large march and rally insupport of Palestine. It was an important gathering of Palestinianand solidarity activists to continue to strengthen the movement forPalestinian liberation and self-determination.

IJAN sent adelegation of six to the forum including members from Canada,Argentina and the U.S. Most of us attended as part of the U.S.-CanadaJoint Struggle Delegation – adelegation of 25 activists working in grassroots struggles for theliberation of people and land, which IJAN played a central role inorganizing.


Judíos antisionistas rechazan apartheid de Israel

[This article from hispantv.comtalks about a recent IJAN initiative, but the original article includes a picture from Neturei Karta,not IJAN.

Este artículo de hispantv.com discute una iniciativa recientede la Red Judía AntisionistaInternacional (IJAN), pero la imagen seincluye es de NetureiKarta, no la Red (IJAN)]

Support Joint Struggle at the World Social Forum Free Palestine

InNovember, 2012, social movements from around the globe will gather in Porto Alegre, Brazil to demand and organize for a free Palestine. The World Social Forum (WSF) Free Palestine is an expression of global social movements’ opposition to capitalism, colonialism, war, occupation and racism.


IJAN is part of organizing a US-Canada cross-movement delegation to the WSF Free Palestine. And we need your help to get there.


The delegation, initiated by the US Social Forum, includesProject South, the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, and the Muslim Defense Project among other leaders at the forefront of grassroots movements. Click here to see the growing list of endorsing organizations.

Our aim is to promote joint strugglefor Palestinian liberation, indigenous self-determination, the rights of refugees and migrants, economic justice and labor rights, queer liberation and gender justice, the sustainability of the land and natural resources and the creation of a people’s economy. 


Comingtogether in Brazil will provide an opportunity to organize for Palestinian liberation in ways that strengthen all our struggles for justice. Donate now to support the Joint Struggle Delegation’s travel expenses to Porto Alegre. 


Formore information on why confronting Israel and Zionism is so central toour struggles for justice, freedom from repression and war, ecological preservation and indigenous sovereignty, watch a presentationby members of IJAN, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and the Center for Constitutional Rights (all members of the Joint Struggle Delegation). 


Please contribute what you can to this unique opportunity to broaden the movement for Palestinian liberation. Click here for other ways to get involved.

IJAN Argentina Reports on Flotilla

IJAN in Argentina wasvery active in real-time reporting on the Gaza Freedom Flotillaapproach to Gaza and the Israeli attack. (http://judiosantisionistasargentina.blogspot.com/2010/05/y-la-nave-va.html ).The excellent press release published in English by IJAN was translated intoSpanish in collaboration with  IJAN activistsin Spain and France, and published (http://judiosantisionistasargentina.blogspot.com/2010/05/comunicado-de-ijan-por-la-masacre.html ).

Canada: Work Moving Forward

Several PSM activists from Canadawent to the First National Jewish anti-Zionist gathering in Detroit, June19-22, 2010. One of the many excellent workshops we attended offeredopportunities to learn more about the Jewish National Fund and possible organizingstrategies. IJAN-Canada will be working to build on the research being done inboth the U.S. and Canada. There is a good deal of information regardingthe JNF and CanadaPark available and welook forward to collaborating with others here to put together an effectiveeducation campaign.