
Support Popular Tribunal at World Social Forum Tunisia

The WorldSocial Forum (WSF) in Tunis, Tunisia March 26th – 30th, 2013,is just around the corner and promises to be a critical organizing opportunityfor our growing movements.

The forumwill serve as the launch of a series of international popular tribunals againstIsrael entitled: "The Case against Israel: Exposing Israel’s role in StateRepression and Violence Worldwide" and organized by the Malcolm XGrassroots Movement (MXGM), the United States Palestinian Community Network(USPCN), and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN). Growing outof an assembly hosted at the World Social Forum Free Palestine inPorto Alegre, Brazil, in December of 2012, these tribunals seek toexpose the role Israel and the Zionist movement play in repressing progressivesocial movements and attacking communities throughout the world.

IJAN Releases "Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression"

Researched, written and edited by members of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the newexposé, "Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression," focuses on the role ofIsrael’s government military, and related corporations and organizations in aglobal industry of violence and repression.

IJAN’s 28-pagebooklet was officially released at the World Social Forum Free Palestine inPorto Alegre, Brazil, and has received widespread attention in recent weeks; ithas been featured in Al Jazeera, Jacobin, La Rebelión and Jadaliyya among otherpublications.

The pamphletis being used as part of a broader organizing project with the Malcolm XGrassroots Movement and the US Palestinian Community Network to highlight therole Israel plays in the arms industry and political repression around theglobe. The information in the pamphlet is not widely known, and givenstate-secrecy, censorship and limited organizational resources, the informationwe have gathered thus far is merely the tip of the iceberg in the push foraccountability. We seek to continue to build awareness and gather testimonyleading to populartribunals in various locations impacted by the work of Israel and itsrelated corporations and organizations.

The pamphletis availableon-line and print copies can be ordered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.We welcome translation of the pamphlet into other languages. We also urge theorganizing of actions, campaigns or popular tribunals in the places whereIsrael, often with the United States, plays a role in the repression of ourmovements or in attacks on communities.

The pamphlets, source documents, research, waysto get involved and video from our first People’s Assembly at the World SocialForum Free Palestine in Porto Alegre, Brazil, are available on-line at: http://israelglobalrepression.wordpress.com/.

Mobilize for Palestine


On December 8, 2012 Bay Area Arab, Palestinian,solidarity and allied communities engaged in liberation struggles organized "Mobilize for Palestine: a Teach In and Organizing Workshop."The event featuredpanels including: "Palestine, Arab region and international movements," "Zionism, global context and the role of the US," ‘The intersection ofstruggles and resistance in Palestine," as well as analysis and concretestrategy planning for BDS campaigns and al Nakba and Land Day activitiesfor2013. Over 100 people gathered, representing a broad range oforganizers, activists and community members. In particular, connections were madebetween Filipino and Palestinian anti-colonial struggles and the connectionbetween Israeli security culture and the prison industrial complex in theUnited States. IJAN distributed copies of its new exposé, "Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression" and gave a short presentation on defining and recognizingZionism and how it operates.

San Francisco Will Not Tolerate Islamophobia and Racism

A Community Speak Out and Forum was held in response to Pamela Geller’s racist ad campaign, carried on SanFrancisco municipal buses this summer. The event was hosted by theCouncil on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-CA), Asian Law Caucus (ALC), ArabResource & Organizing Center (AROC), and Arab Cultural & CommunityCenter (ACCC).

This community forum was intended as a space for Arabs,Muslims, and their allies to express their concerns to city officials,including the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, about the harm which hasresulted from the Geller ads and to send the message that the community willnot tolerate Islamophobia and racism. The event was standing roomonly, and those in the audience included members of municipal institutions(e.g. the Municipal Transit Authority Board, San Francisco Board ofSupervisors, San Francisco Department of Public Health) and community members,groups and organizations, such as Students for Justice in Palestine, PeopleOrganized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) and the National Lawyers Guild. Speakersincluded Dr. Hatem Bazian, Zahra Billoo, Dr. Rabab Abdulhabi, and HusamEl-Qoulaq, as well as a MUNI bus driver who refused to drive his bus with thisad on it, Arab youth, and leaders of grassroots organizations. 

IJAN was asked to speak at the event and below is the text of our statement

Confronting Zionism


On 20 November 2012, under the shadow of the Israeli bombing of Gaza, a Jewish anti-Zionist panel spoke about Confronting Zionism at the London School of Economics (LSE) – organised by LSE Student Union Palestine Society.


Yael Kahn & Michael Kalmanovitz (both IJAN) spoke about their rejection of, and campaigning against, Zionism; also speaking was John Rose from the British Committee for Universities for Palestine (BRICUP). Thepredominatly student audience was transfixed when Yael spoke about her discovery that her family home was on stolen land. The meeting was chaired by Emeritus Professor Jonathan Rosenhead (BRICUP).

Reception for Refuseniks


On 22 November 2012, IJAN & Payday men’s network hosted a reception for refuseniks Ben Griffin (left in the photo) and Ronnie Barkan at the Crossroads Women’s Centre.

Ronnie, an Israeli activist, refused to complete his military service, he co-founded Boycott From Within and is a member of Anarchists Against the Wall.

Ben,a UK activist, formerly an SAS trooper, resigned from the military and exposed the UK forces’ complicity with extraordinary rendition and torture. Currently he leads UK Veterans for Peace and campaigns for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange.

Bothspoke movingly and informatively about their anti-military and anti-warorganizing – leading by example those of us who refuse to be killers, torturers and rapists for murderous governments.

How the No to Veolia Action Group won


On4 February 2013, at the Crossroads Women’s Centre, six activists described their campaign against the multinational Veolia which profits from and supports the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and withdrew froma £4.7 billion contract with the North London Waste Authority.

Telling us how it was done, in spite of opposition, sabotage and interference, first of all from Zionist organisations, was Yael Kahn, Chair, No To Veolia Action Group (No2VAG), Irfan Akhtar, Spokesperson, Waltham Forest Council of Mosques, Caroline Day, Spokesperson, No2VAG, Ann Dyas, Vice Chair, No2VAG, Rob Langlands, Engineer & Secretary, No2VAG, and Izzat Ismail, Internet Comms, No2VAG (right to left in the photo). 

Inspiredby the Palestinian struggle, already it has encouraged similar campaigns in South Wales (which won a £1.1 billion victory) and Davis, California (which won a $325 million victory).

Selma James (Global Women’s Strike & IJAN) chaired the meeting (centre in the photo).  The meeting was hosted by the Global Women’s Strike and Payday men’s network.

IJAN Statement of Support for Idle No More

"There is no mystery why Canada acts almost blindly without critique or question in support of the State of Israel’s colonial policies in Palestine: Canada and Israel’s policies are marching in lock step because both Canada and Israel are colonial states."

-Robert Lovelace Address to Amnesty International, Toronto, November 01, 2011

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) supports Idle No More in its struggle for indigenous sovereignty and environmental protection. IJAN  is an international network of Jews who reject the premise that our own histories of forced displacement and ethnic cleansing justify the forced displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. We are uncompromisingly committed to struggles for human emancipation, of which the liberation of all colonized people and land is an indispensable part. We understand the destruction of indigenous people, land and ways of life as a threat to the survival of all people, living things and the planet.  We extend solidarity and continue our fight against colonization in the lands that we live and in Palestine.


Please also see the excellent statement: "Palestinians in Solidarity with Idle No More and Indigenous Rights

Jacobin: Israel’s Global Reach

by Charlotte Silver That Israeli militarism is rarely discussed beyond the parameters of the “Arab-Israeli conflict” may seem perfectly natural. When the Israeli army is not engaged in an all-out assault on the Palestinian territories, it’s busy conducting lethal raids into the West Bank or sending surveillance drones to fly over eternally terrorized Gaza. So it’s Jacobin: Israel’s Global Reach

Jadaliyya: Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression

Jadaliyya features "Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression"

[Researched, written, and edited by members of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, this twenty-eight-page exposé focuses on the role of Israel’s government, military, and related corporations and organizations in a global industry of violence and repression. The states most involved with this industry profit from perpetual war and occupation across the globe while maintaining vastly unequal societies of their own. Click here to learn more about this booklet and an associated project to build global testimony towards popular tribunals.] 

To download the booklet and learn more about this project visit: http://israelglobalrepression.wordpress.com/