Gaza Action Alert

Asthe first anniversary of Israel'sassault on Gaza approaches, we are sendingtwo requests to support the struggle for Palestinian self-determinationin the face of Israeli suppression - in both Gaza and in the West Bank. Please help ussupport these efforts andthe rebuilding of Gaza.

Inaddition to these actions, we must keep a vigilant eye onIsrael as the potential for escalated brutality remains high. On December 26,the Israeli military killed three Palestinians in Nablus and three in Gaza who were near Erez security fence.

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Action Alertfrom Stop the Wall

Jamal Juma'

Jamal Juma', a prominentfigure in Palestinian civil society and coordinator of the Stop the WallCampaign, was arrested by Israeli authorities on December 16. This arrestfollows the imprisonment of Mohammad Othman,another Stop the Wall activist, and AbdallahAbu Rahmeh, a leading figure in the Bil'in popular committee against theWall, as well as dozens more that are currently in prison for their action andadvocacy against the Wall. This latest arrest is yet another escalation of Israel 'sattack on Palestinian human rights defenders, which continues to clamp down onthe right to freedom of expression and the right to association.

Join the campaign for Jamal Juma's release and for the freedom of the anti-Wallprisoners! It is crucial that global civil society stands in solidarity withtheir Palestinian counterparts.


>> Click here for recommended actions to take and to read more.

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Action Alert from the Gaza Freedom March

Gaza Freedom March

To mark the fact that is has been one year since the Israeli attack onGaza, the Gaza Freedom March coalition ismobilizing an international contingent of over 1,300 internationaldelegates for a nonviolent march alongside the people ofGaza on Dec. 31, toend the illegal blockade. Citing escalating tensions on the Gaza-Egyptborder, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry informed the organizers on December20 that the Rafah border will be closed over the coming weeks, intoJanuary, and that they will not be able to enterGaza .Egyptianembassies and missions all over the world must hear from supporters ofthe march by phone, fax and email over the coming crucial days, with aclear message: Let the international delegation enterGaza and let the Gaza Freedom Marchproceed.




>> Click here for information about how to support these efforts to bring international attention to the blockade of Gaza.


Support the Rebuilding of Gaza

Against the attempt of the Israeli government tomake Gaza uninhabitable through destruction ofschools, hospitals, homes, factories, wells and food supplies, IJAN ispartnering with the Middle East Children's Alliance(MECA) to help guarantee the right of the Palestinian people in Gaza to one of the most basic necessities oflife: water.

Today, the health and well-being of virtually every Palestinian child and adultis threatened by the shortage of clean, safe water. That's why MECA haslaunched the Maia Project, to install water desalinization and purificationsystems in Gazaschools, kindergartens and nurseries.

Please consider contributing to the installationof water systems that provide water to students, staff and their families.


>>Click here for information about how to contribute to the rebuilding of Gaza.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities