Demand Dayton to Exit Palestine

This statement and call to action is made by the U.S. Palestinian Community Network (Palestinian Popular Conference)

The U.S. PalestinianCommunity Network is appalled that the government of the United States not only continues itsunconditional support for Israel,but has engaged in establishing a Palestinian contra forces in the West Bank, aimed at deepening Palestinian internaldivision and engaging in arbitrary arrests and assassinations of politicalactivists. We demand an immediate end to all such programs and the immediatewithdrawal of U.S. Lt. Gen. Keith Dayton and his mercenaries from Palestine!

U.S. LieutenantGeneral Keith Dayton, the U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and thePalestinian Authority, has overseen the creation of a paramilitary forceserving the occupation under the title of Palestinian Authority "securityforces." While Israeli occupation soldiers regularly abduct, injure and killPalestinians, Dayton'scontras have engaged in a campaign of intimidation against the Palestinianpopulace, including arbitrary arrests, raids on charitable institutions andnon-governmental organizations, assassinations, and torture of politicalopponents of the Palestinian Authority.

Furthermore, thefocus on "security" comes at the expense of the Palestinian people's realneeds. While Palestinians continue to organize to resist occupation andstrengthen their communities by building schools, hospitals andcommunity-centered institutions that support the steadfastness of thePalestinian people, the U.S. has poured money, arms and resources into"security forces" thatآ  provide nosecurity for Palestinians who face daily threats from settlers and occupyingforces, but instead act as threats against Palestinians on the ground.

The actions of thesesquads are fully coordinated with the Israeli military occupation. They carryout arrests, abductions and raids at the direction of Israeli military forcesand provide the occupation forces with information about the location ofPalestinian activists. Israeli officials have bragged about the success ofthese paramilitary forces in repressing Palestinian resistance.

In addition, thisforce is designed to prop up a subservient and collaborationist Palestinianauthority. The training for these forces is provided by a number of repressiveArab regimes, who themselves maintain their power due to U.S. fundingand support.

These paramilitarysquads are not an internal Palestinian question alone.  As taxpayers andresidents of the United States,we demand that the U.S.ceases its funding and training of Dayton'smercenaries. U.S. involvementin paramilitary death and terror squads is nothing new - from Colombia, to the Philippines,to El Salvador, to Nicaragua, to Angolaand Mozambique, the U.S. has funded trained and armed paramilitaryforces to serve U.S.interests and/or support reactionary local rulers.

We call upon allArab American community organizations, anti-war coalitions, and progressiveinstitutions to take action to end Dayton'scontras program in Palestineby:

1.      Signing on to this statement! Email your endorsementto

2.      Organizing a visit to your Congressionalrepresentative. Deliver him or her letter from your community urging thatCongress end all funding to Dayton'scontras program.

3.      Issuing a statement from your local community groupdemanding the immediate withdrawal of  Daytonand his team from Palestine

U.S. Palestinian Community Network (Palestinian PopularConference)





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities