Call to Action

Our pledge in theCharter will be carried out through our commitments to: 1) solidarity with Palestinian self-determination, 2) participation in global movements toend imperialism, and 3) theextrication of Jewish history, politics, community, and culture from the gripof Zionism.

To these ends, in thishistorical moment, IJAN will be a clear anti-Zionist Jewish point of reference to set an ideologicalpole, open space for non-Jewish anti-Zionist voices, and broaden support forPalestinian liberation.

Towards fulfilling thisstrategic role, we are calling anti-Zionist Jews to take up the followingactions in the world:

  • Confront Zionism: Support the Palestinian call for boycotting Zionist and Israeli cultural, educational, sporting and political events and academia. Confront Zionist organizations that support Israeli apartheid, that censor and target individuals and organizations for criticism of Israel, and that collaborate in US, Canadian, European Islamophobia.
  • Participation in existing Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) campaigns: Rather than lead BDS efforts, IJAN encourages and supports participation of its members in local, national and international campaigns as well as participation in the consumer boycott of Israeli goods-make your boycott known to merchants who sell Israeli goods. Read more about the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions.
  • Popular Tribunals: Join the network in organizing popular tribunals that gather testimony that exposes the tactics of and demand accountability from Zionist institutions. The testimony would largely come from Palestinian, Arab, or Muslim people and Jews most impacted by this intersection of Zionism and US/European imperialism. The targets may include one large international Zionist institution as well as its local and national Zionist affiliates.  Read more about the popular tribunals.
  • Cross-movement building: Broaden support for the Palestinian struggle by bringing your anti-Zionist politic the movements you participate in for racial, economic and gender justice. Make it untenable for progressive to radical social justice organizations to not take a stand on Israel or exclude Palestinian liberation from their politics and solidarity work.
  • Supporting joint struggle between Jews of Arab, African and Asian descent and Palestinians: Challenge the role of white anti-Zionist Jewish activists and activism in undermining alliances between Mizrahi Jews and Palestinians. Actively support the building of joint Mizrahi-Palestinian struggles against Zionist colonialism and racism.
  • Consciousness Raising: Organize events, create tools and materials, engage in creative action, and produce art and cultural work that brings anti-Zionist politics to the public.




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities