Day of Rage: Stop Prawer

Stop Prawer Plan: Day of Action November 30th (from the Palestinian BDS movement website):

"On 24th of June, the Israeli Knesset approved the Prawer-Begin plan, which if implemented will result in the destruction of more than 35 unrecognized villages in Al-Naqab and the forced expulsion and confinement of more than 70,000 Palestinian Bedouins. The Prawer plan is the largest Israeli land-grab since 1948. It epitomizes the nature of Israel's policy; Israeli-Jewish demographic expansion and Palestinian-Arab demographic containment."

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement has put out a call for a Day ofRage and action against the Prawer Plan and the Jewish National Fund, a funder and leader in the effort. The Stop the JNF Campaign supports the call for a Day of Action on November 30th by calling for TWO DAYS OF ACTION on November 29th, called Black Friday in the U.S., and November 30th.

JOINUS IN HANDING OUT THE DOWNLOADABLE FLYER to educate people about the role of the Jewish national fund - U.S. in the forced displacement of the Bedouin and attempt to settle their land by relocating over 250,000 Jews from the united states. Encourage them to take action by signing the downloadable petition.

The Day of Rage is being called for by Stop the JNF Campaign member groups - the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the US Palestinian Community Network and the Middle East Children Alliance.

If you are planning an education/outreach activity, please email us at, so we can promote it and let those who put out the call from Palestine know about the solidarity actions.

On this day, there are so many reasons to rage.

The celebration of genocide and colonization of Indigenous people in the United States with "Thanksgiving," the wasteful consumption on  "Black Friday," and the threat of the continued removal of the Indigenous people of Palestine. Our rage can bring us together to organize towards the world we want to build and against the violence, oppression and exploitation that do so much harm.

Below are a download-able flier and petition to print and bring with you for outreach and education on November 29th and 30th!

Please also sign and forward this electronic petition.

4-up Flyer Download Front (click here)
4-up Flyer Download Back (click here)

Petition Download (click here)

More Information About Prawer and Future Stop the JNF activities:

The Prawer Plan is the Israeli Government's plan to remove over 30,000 Bedouin from Al-Naqab in collaboration with the Jewish National Fund (JNF). The JNF's Blueprint Negev is a 600 million dollar, 10-year campaign, Blueprint Negev, is funded directly by the U.S. JNF that is working to relocate 250,000 Jews from the United States into these settlements on Bedouin land in the Naqab.

For more information see:

Now is an essential time to increase activity and momentum in opposing the Prawer Plan. Prawer Will Not Pass!





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities