FBI subpoenas more Palestine solidarity activists

Targeting of the anti-war and Palestine solidarity movement inthe United States took a new turn on September 24th with coordinatedraids that swept the Midwest, involving scores of federal agents. Fourteensubpoenas were delivered to anti-war, labor and solidarity activists. On 3 and8 December, five new subpoenas were issued in the Chicago area – all toPalestine solidarity activists.  IJAN’sstatement of solidarity is below. 

For more information, visit the Committee to Stop FBIRepression at http://www.stopfbi.net/ .


The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network condemns thefederal government's accelerating use of the anti-democratic Grand Jury toharass and threaten the Palestine solidarity movement.  We will not be deterred in seeking justicefor Palestinians or for those who defend their rights.

The activists subpoenaed in Illinois, Michigan andMinnesota can count on our continued support as they face government repressionfor speaking out against violations of rights, unnecessary suffering andneedless loss of life.   

In addition to the nine new subpoenas in the past few weeks,the Grand Jury has renewed the subpoenas of three activists in the Twin Citieswho will likely be stripped of their 5th Amendment rights and forced to testify-and betestified against-or face contempt of court and prison.

When the FBI attempts to muzzle those who fight for civiland human rights we will redouble our efforts to hold the governmentaccountable.  Against attempts to stopthis work, the many of us who value these rights and human life and dignitywill step up and continue it.  

We will hold Patrick Fitzgerald accountable for his repeatedtargeting of Muslims and Arabs, including Muhammad Salah and AbdelhaleemAshqar.  We will hold Eric Holder and theObama administration accountable for criminalizing anti-war and human rightsactivism instead of prosecuting Wall Street and Bush regime criminals.  We will keep the pressure up until the GrandJury is called off, all seized items are returned and the FBI stops harassingactivists and communities.

As our movements continue to gain momentum and findincreased effectiveness, we can expect continued government repression.  However, history has consistently shown usthat the human will for freedom, justice and life does not yield to attempts tocrush it.




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities