
About IJAN

This printable, tri-fold flyer offers information about IJAN and who we are:


This flyer offers information to students who are interested in working with IJAN:

AZ Jewish Student Organizing Flyer - BW

This speech by Mich Levy at the 2010 US Assembly of Jews Confronting Racism and Israeli Apartheid outlines a Jewish anti-Zionist politic:

A Jewish Case Against Zionism & for Collective Liberation

Zionist Backlash

JCRC And the Attack on Palestinian Solidarity in the Bay Area--this flyer details the attack by the Jewish Community Relations Council on organizations that speak up for Palestine through a case study focusing on the Eastside Arts Alliance which was targeted by the JCRC and refused to back down as well as providing information about a current attack on the Arab Resource and Organizing Center after they helped to pass an important resolution expanding Arabic language access in San Francisco schools.

JCRC and the Attack on Palestinian Solidarity in the Bay Area

Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression

Global Resistance Against Police Violence--Flyer form the #ThirdWorld4BlackPower coalition:

Global Resistance Against Police Violence

Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression Poster:


Anti-Defamation League

This fact sheet documents the ADL's historic and ongoing role in surveillance and repression:

ADL Fact Sheet - 3 Sept 2014

This flyer contains IJAN's statement on the ADL after their response to police killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson and Eric Garner in New York as well as information about how the ADL works in collaboration with police:

ADL Letter & Facts - 12 Dec 2014

Stop the ADL poster, for printing. Can be used on picket signs:

Stop the ADL - poster - blackv2

Stop the ADL banner:

Stop the ADL - Banner


This flyer outlines the historic role of the Histadrut in the colonization of Palestine. It demonstrates that while the Histadrut presents itself as a labor union, it is actually at the core of the Israeli state and has undermined Palestinian workers and collaborated with reactionary governments at every turn:

Labor Briefing - Labor Zionism and the Histadrut

This flyer outlines the role that the Jewish Labor Council has played in preventing organized labor from supporting Palestine:

JLC Briefing Paper - Grey Scale[1]




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities



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