Two New Resources to Stop the JNF

In recognition of Land Day, the Stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Campaign has released two new tools to support stopping the JNF:

•A documentary produced by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund, directed by Alex Safron, co-produced by Sara Kershnar.

•A printable version of Greenwashing Apartheid: the Jewish National Fund's Environmental Cover Up.

What is Land Day?

Land Day is an annual commemoration of March 30, 1976, the day in which Palestinians and Arab citizens of the state of Israel resisted -- through a general strike and marches -- the Israeli government's theft of Palestinian land for Jewish settlement expansion and further expansion of its military and colonial occupation. Six Arab citizens of Israel were killed and hundreds more wounded in defense of their land from Israeli Jewish control.

What is the JNF's role in the expropriation of Palestinian land?

The JNF, which controls and holds a majority of the land in historic Palestine for Jewish-only use, continues to be central in the continued settler colonial occupation and theft of Palestinian land. They do this by displacing indigenous groups for Jewish settlements and developments and covering up stolen Palestinian land with the trees and parks they plant over the remains.

Host local screenings of the film Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the JNF

• Please consider screening the full version of Enduring Roots between Land Day (March 30) and Nakba Day (May 15).

Enduring Roots: Over a Century of Resistance to the Jewish National Fund (Official Trailer) from Intl Jewish Anti-Zionist Network on Vimeo.

Interested in hosting a screening of Enduring Roots? Fill out this form to get in contact with us about screening the film in your location! The film is currently being translated into multiple languages.

Enduring Roots is a 40-minute documentary that highlights the historical process by which the JNF uses international charitable donations to fund the continued theft and settlement of Palestinian land for Jewish-only use under the guise of environmentalism. This is enacted by planting forests of rapid-growth, invasive tree species over Palestinian villages in order to cover up the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and prevent Palestinians from returning. Enduring Roots chronicles stories of al-Nakba survivors, interviews with their descendants about the case of refugee return, and current and growing resistance to the ongoing colonization of Palestine by the Jewish National Fund.

• To donate in order to support additional screenings of the film and the production and distribution of this all volunteer project, please visit our donation page.

Want to learn more about the JNF and the Stop the JNF Campaign?

• Check out IJAN's eBook Greenwashing Apartheid: the Jewish National Fund's Environmental Cover Up for a full historical and environmental analysis of the JNF's role in the colonization of Palestine and the ways in which it greenwashes ethnic cleansing through tree plantings and environmentalism.

 Contact and Donation

• To request an action kit, email

• To donate in order to support and the production and distribution of the all volunteer Enduring Roots film project, please visit our donation page.






Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities