IJAN Presents at Left Forum

Members of IJAN attended the Left Forum in New York and presented two workshops. On Saturday IJAN members presented on the international Stop the Jewish National Fund Campaign featuring participation from the U.S. and Canada. The presentation began with a video with testimony from Palestinians about the historic and on-going role of the JNF in the colonization of Palestine. The video was taken during the 4th annual Stop the JNF/Plant a Tree in Palestine delegation in January 2013. Presenters then laid out the colonial nature and outrageous greenwashing of the Jewish National Fund. Greenwashing is an attempt to cover up environmental destruction and racism with the pretense of environmental "good".

As the panel discussed, the JNF greenwashes its role in apartheid and colonization by claiming to "green" historic Palestine when in reality they plant non-indigenous pine trees that destroy the natural habitat and agriculture while covering up the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,destruction of Palestinian villages and theft of land.  Finally, presenters shared about international victories for the campaign including the South African ambassador to Israel rejecting trees planted in his name, the breaking of a JNF partnership by Reggie's-the largest South African toy franchise, an Early Day motion in the U.K.'s parliament that has garnered support from 56 MPs and has contributed to cutting British donations to the JNF in half over the past couple of years.

On Sunday, IJAN presented with Al Awda - NY, the National Lawyers Guild - NY, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement on Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression. Based on a pamphlet and website, the panel included testimony about Israel's role in the drone industry (Israel accounts for 40% of global drone exports), its aiding (along with the United Sates) of the Guatemalan government in its genocide of indigenous people, the contribution of Israeli intelligence and U.S. based Zionist organizations in the repression of Arab and Muslim communities in New York and around the U.S.and using civil rights legislation for cynical attacks on students organizing against Israeli colonialism and apartheid.

The goal of the workshops was to involve people in the work of exposes the role of Israel and organizations that support it in racism, colonialism, war and the war economy, the arms trade, policing, censorship and violations of civil and human rights.





Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities