Organizers with IJAN’s Bay Area Chapter leafleted at amovie theater in Chinatown about the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM)’s partnership with the Israeli consulate in theIsrael-China film festival. We talked briefly with movie goers and gaveout quite a number of flyers. Besides one person who threw the flyer down andanother who tore it up, all who came to the movie took flyers. A young womancame out to speak to us and turned out to be a reporter from the New AmericaMedia; she was interested that we were Jewish and did an interview not onlyabout the event, but about Frameline and pinkwashing.
People from CAAM had a table inside that included their written response.We asked if we could put our flyers on their table but they declined. It was asmall movie theater so we had a visible presence outside till the moviestarted. We asked people to talk to CAAM and help put pressure on them to pull out, and many seemedto be concerned and interested.