Whereas...the Simon Wiesenthal Center's stated purpose is to promotetolerance and fight bigotry, hatred and discrimination:
- YET, when the Park51 Islamic Cultural Center was targeted by bigoted stereotypes and accusations, the Chair of the Board, Rabbi Hier, issued a statement equating all Muslims with the actions of extremists;
- The educational program at the NYC Simon Wiesenthal Center portrays bigoted images of Muslims almost exclusively as terrorists and extremists.
Whereas...the Simon Wiesenthal Center claims that a central part ofits work is combating the anti-Semitism of Western nations that resulted in thepersecution and genocide of European Jews, including the desecration of ourcemeteries:
- YET, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is building a "Museum of Tolerance" on a centuries-old Palestinian cemetery in Jerusalem;
- There is no mention of the historic and on-going ethnic cleansing and population transfer of Palestinians to create and maintain a Jewish State.
Wedemand that the Simon Wiesenthal Center take the following steps toward puttingan end to the contradiction between its stated mission and its bigotedactivities:
- In regards to the Park51 Islamic Community Center in NYC: Make a public apology for their condemnation of the cultural center and express support for the center.
- In regards to the Museum of Tolerance being built in Jerusalem: Stop further demolition of the cemetery, move the location of the museum, issue formal apologies to families whose ancestors are buried there, and, provide resources for (re)building of cemetery as place to honor the dead.
- In regards to the bigoted representation of Muslims: Remove existing propaganda and replace with educational material that reflects the stated mission of the Center - tolerance and anti-racism, and include anti-Muslim and anti-Arab bigotry as a prime example of prejudice in the US today.