Zionists falsely charge exclusion of Jews from Rutgers Holocaust Memorial event
(NEW YORK 1/30/2011) -- Yesterday, right wing counter protestors disrupted an event honoring the memory of the Nazi Holocaust, ignoring the event’s message of support for all who continue to fight for their rights and for collective humanity. Concerned with protecting speakers and audience members, police closed the event for more than one hour, with the result that a number of interested participants were unable to enter.

Rutgers Hillel, Young Americans for Freedom, the Zionist Organization of America and other Zionist organizations have falsely charged that Jews were excludedfrom the Never Again for Anyone tour stop at Rutgers University in New Brunswick on January 29. The false allegations of anti-Semitism have been made repeated by right-wing blogger David Horowitz, the Jerusalem Post, JTA, WorldNet Daily, and similar websites -- none of whom requested to speak with event organizers.

"The accusation that anyone was excludedfrom this event due to his or her ethnicity or political views is a complete fabrication," said Sara Kershnar of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network. "Many of the organizers and participants of this event are Jewish, and anyone who paid the nominal $5 admission was welcome," she said.

The tour's purpose is summarized as follows: 'In the face of the on-going ethnic cleansing of Palestine, attacks and persecution of Muslim and Arab communities in the U.S. and Canada, and on-going attacksagainst the rights of other communities and immigrants, we assert a commitment to collective humanity against the application of “never again” to only a few.'[1]

The protest was organized by campus Hillel and publicized by Pamela Geller,[2] a prominent anti-Muslim and anti-Arab opponent of the Park51 Islamic Cultural Center in Lower Manhattan.

Students and others at the scene reported numerous anti-Muslim and other racist slurs directed against them, and Rutgers police noted that they had never before witnessed such disruption. The police stayed until 11:30 p.m. to escort speakers and event organizers, out of concern for their safety.

Contrary to allegations that Jewish protesters were excluded, all who paid the $5 charge were admitted, without regard to ethnicity or political opinion. Indeed, those protesters who paid the nominal fee were admitted and participatedin the question and answer portion of the event.

For example, one self-identified Jewish man held a sign falsely charging "Holocaust denial" against the speakers, who told of their experiences surviving the Nazi genocide. Like everyone else who paid the nominal admittance fee, he was permittedto stay (sign and all), but chose to leave once Hajo Meyer, who survived 10 months in Auschwitz, began to describe his experience.

A journalist from the New Jersey Jewish News attended and was permitted to take photographs.

Endorsing student organizations had initially publicized the admission fee as "suggested." This was based on an assumption that the program would be a student event with minimal costs. The university subsequentlychanged the event’s status since the national sponsors were outside organizations.

The $5 admission was made mandatory only after expenses escalated in the face of organized disruption publicized by Zionist organizations – including the hiring of two additional security personnel. As a result, only endorsing student organization members – who include Jewish students -- were admitted without charge.

The event was part of a national Never Again for Anyone tour sponsored by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Americans for Muslims in Palestine and the Middle East Children's Alliance. Speakers included Holocaust survivors Hajo Meyer and Hedy Epstein; Deir Yassin massacre survivor Dawud Assad; and Osama Abu-Irshaid, AMP board member.

Despite the attempted disruptions, more than 160 people attended the program, which stressed its opposition to all forms of racism and oppression.

[1] http://www.neveragainforanyone.com/ [2] http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/01/rutgers-students-need-you-tonight-protest-holocaust-deniers-and-islamic-supremacists.html



Kristin Szremski

media@neveragainforanyone.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Links to distorted articles about the events:

Blog from David Horowitz

Call for protest by Pamela Geller





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