Free Political Prisoner Ahmad Sa'adat

TheInternational Jewish Anti-Zionist Network ( its voice to the loud call from people around the world to release AhmadSa'adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestineand member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. 

Sa'adat is one of 10,000 Palestinian political prisoners - women, men,children, organizers, activists and leaders - abducted and currently jailed byIsraeli forces. He is serving time for his legitimate and courageous commitmentto freedom and justice for his people and land.    

Sa'adat was jailed in 2002 by the Palestinian Authority under pressure from theUS, for his leadership rolein the Palestinian movement to end the occupation, and held in jail in Jericho. In 2006, Israeliforces abducted him and moved him to an Israeli prison. An Israeli apartheidtribunal subsequently sentenced him to 30 years in prison. Sa'adat is organizingin jail and has been put repeatedly in solitary confinement. 

Ahmad Sa'adat is a political prisoner, a prisoner of conscience and a leader ofresistance to the Israeli colonial and apartheid regime, imprisoned illegallyby an apartheid regime for the crime of resisting it. The imprisonment ofSa'adat is part of the repression and intimidation of oppressed communities andpolitical activists fighting for justice and humanity worldwide through incarceration,surveillance, and deportation. His right to fight for freedom - and our collectiveability to stand against oppression - must be defended. 

InIsrael, the incarceration of Palestinian political organizers constitutes acrime of Apartheid under section II.f. of the International Convention on theSuppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.  We call on humanrights organizations and international institutions to demand his immediaterelease and to prioritize the struggle for the release of Palestinian politicalprisoners. 




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