Three members of IJAN-TC were featured on KFAI Radio's Catalyst program, hosted by Lydia Howell, on Thursday August 12th at 9am.Karen Redleaf, Jessica Rosenberg and Josina Manu were in Detroit for the 2010 U.S. Assembly of Jews Confronting Racism and Israeli Apartheid, and the U.S. Social Forum. Lydia is utilizing the Catalyst radio show, which focuses on politics, culture, art and activism, to do a series of report backs from Detroit. Karen took time to clearly explain Zionism, and break down why IJAN orients itself as anti-Zionist. Josina talked about how and why the Assembly came together, and the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement, happening locally through Minnesota Break the Bonds ( Jessica talked through the struggle and strategy of organizing as Jewish anti-Zionists, without marginalizing Palestinian people and liberation and re-centering Jewishness. The conversation, which is being aired in two parts, went in depth on the importance of these conferences and the work of the Palestine Solidarity Movement.