Bibliography on the Jewish Debate over Zionism

Zionism v. Judaism and Jewish Emancipation:


Arendt, Hannah. The Jew as Pariah: AHidden Tradition (1944);

_____________. "The Crisis of Zionism," in Jerome Kohn and Ron Feldman, eds. JewishWritings (New York: ShockinBooks, 2007, 1943), pp. 336, 334-5;

_____________. "Zionism Reconsidered" MenorahJournal (October 1944);

Avishai,Bernard. The Tragedy of Zionism: Revolution and Democracy in the Land ofIsrael (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1985);

Beit-Halahmi, Benjamin, Original Sins:Reflections on the History of Zionism and Israel (New York: Olive BranchPress, 1993);

Berger, Elmer. The JewishDilemma: The Case against Zionist Nationalism (New York: Devin-Adair, 1945);

___________. Judaism or JewishNationalism: The Alternative to Zionism (New York: Bookman Associates,1957);

___________. Letters andNon-Letters: The White House, Zionism and Israel (Beirut: Institute forPalestine Studies, 1972);

___________. Memoirs of anAnti-Zionist Jew (Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1978);

___________. A PartisanHistory of Judaism: The Jewish Case against Zionism (New York: Devin-Adair,1951);

___________. Who Knows BetterMust Say So! (New York: American Council for Judaism, 1955; Beirut:Institute for Palestine Studies, reprint 1974);

___________ and Deane A. Tack. Thornsof Resistance (Grants Pass OR: Destra Publishers, 1993);

Bober, Arie, ed. The Other Israel: The RadicalCase against Zionism (New York: Doubleday, 1972);

Brenner, Lenni. Zionism in the Ageof the Dictators: A Reappraisal (London: Zed, 1983), at:;

____________. The Iron Wall:Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir (London: Zed, 1984), at:;

Carey,Roane and Jonathan Shainin, eds. The Other Israel: Voices of Refusal andDissent (New York: The New Press, 2002);

Davidsson,Elias. "Memorandum on institutionalized racial discrimination by and in theState of Israel" (July 1993), at:;

Davis, Uri. Israel: AnApartheid State (London: Zed, 1987);

________. Crossing the Border:an autobiography of an Anti-Zionist Palestinian Jew (London: Books &Books, 1995);

________. Citizenship and theState: A Comparative Study of Citizenship Legislation in Israel, Jordan,Palestine, Syria and Lebanon (London, Ithaca Press, 1997);

________. Apartheid Israel:Possibilities for the Struggle Within (2004);

________. Israel: UtopiaIncorporated - A Study of Class, State and Corporate Kin Control (London:Ithaca Press, 1977);

________, Fouzi el-Asmar and NaimKhader, eds. Debate on Palestine (London: Ithaca Press, 1981);

________, Fawzi el-Asmar and NaimKhader. Towards a Socialist Republic of Palestine (London: Ithaca Press,1978);

________, Andrew Mack and NiraYuval-Davis Israel & the Palestinians (London: Ithaca Press, 1975);

________, Martin Blatt and PaulKleinbaum, eds., Dissent & Ideology in Israel: Resistance to the Draft1948-1973 (London: Ithaca Press, 1975);

________ and Norton Mezvinsky. Documentsfrom Israel, 1967-73: Readings for a Critique of Zionism (London: IthacaPress, 1975);

Joseph,Benjamin M. Besieged Bedfellows: Israel & the Land of Apartheid
(Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 1988);

Kolsky, Thomas A. Jewsagainst Zionism: The American Council for Judaism, 1942-1948 (Philadelphia:Temple University Press, 1990);

Kovel, Joel. OvercomingZionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine (London: PlutoPress, 2007);

Kushner,Tony and Alisa Solomon, eds. Wrestling with Zion (New York: Grove Press,2003);

Lehn, Walter, with Uri Davis. The JewishNational Fund (London: Kegan Paul International, 1988);

Leon, Abram. The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation (NewYork: Pathfinder Press, 1970), at:;

Menuhin, Moshe.The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time(New York: Exposition Press New York, 1966; and Beirut: Institute for PalestineStudies, 1969).

Meyer, Hajo G. The End of Judaism: An EthicalTradition Betrayed (Brooklyn NY: Atlas Books (G. Meyer Books), October 2007);

Mezvinsky, Norton. Disagreementin Definition: Three Views of the American Jewish Community in the TwentiethCentury (Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1956);

_______________, with Uri Davis.Documents from Israel, 1967-73: Readings for a Critique of Zionism (London:Ithaca Press, 1975);

_______________, with IsraelShahak. Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (London: Pluto Press, 2004);

Picciotto,Henri and Mitchell Plitnick, eds. Alternative Jewish Perspectives(Oakland CA: Jewish Voice for Peace, 2004);

Selzer,Michael. Zionism reconsidered: the rejection of Jewish normalcy (NewYork: Macmillan, 1970);

Smith,Gary V., ed. Zionism. The Dream and the Reality-A Jewish Critique(London: David & Charles Newton Abbot, 1974; New York: MacMillian, 1970; NewYork. Barnes and Noble, 1974);

Strauss Feuerlicht,Roberta. TheFate of the Jews: A People Torn between Israeli Power and Jewish Ethics (New York:Random House, 1983);

Tekiner, Roselle, Norton Mezvinskyand Samir Abed Rabbo, eds. Anti-Zionism: Analytical Reflections(Brattleboro VT: Amana Books, 1988);

Zand, Shlomo. TheInvention of the Jewish People (New York:Verso, 2009).


Historic Themes:


Butenschn, Nils A.,Manuel S. Hassassian, Uri Davis. Citizenship and the State inthe Middle East: Approaches and Applications (Syracuse NY: SyracuseUniversity Press, 2000);

Davis, Uri, Hasan Amun, and NasrDakhlallah San´allah. Deir al-Asad: The Destiny of an Arab Village inGalilee (London: Ithaca Press, 1977);

Khalidi, Walid. FromHaven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem until 1948(Beirut and Washington: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971, reprint 1991);

Masalha,Nur. Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of "Transfer" in ZionistPolitical Thought, 1882-1948 (Washington: Institute for Palestine Studies,1992);

< p>Pappe, Ilan. TheEthnic Cleansing of Palestine (London: Oneworld Publications, 2006);

Segev, Tom,1949: The First Israelis (New York: Free Press, 1986).





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