Sign the Statement: No Final Solution in Our Name – – – Never Again For Anyone.
Jewish people who stand against genocide, please read IJAN's statement below and sign onto it here. No Final Solution in Our Name Never Again For Anyone. Sometime after [1956] I heard a news item about Israelis herding Palestinians into settlement camps. I just could not believe this. Weren’t the Israelis also Jews? Hadn’t we – ... Sign the Statement: No Final Solution in Our Name – – – Never Again For Anyone.
PRESS RELEASE: 18 June 2018 ‘The BOD doesn’t speak for us.’ An open letter to the Board of Deputies of British Jews from Jewish people Today we have sent an Open Letter to the BOD, signed by 75 (currently 105) Jewish people in the UK, appalled that it supports the continuing Israeli massacre of Palestinian ... OPEN LETTER TO THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS
Apartheid Israel and US police
Five days after Minneapolis police brutally killed George Floyd, Iyad Hallaq a young Palestinian man with autism was shot in the back and killed by Israeli border police. Both men of colour, both unarmed. Palestinians immediately drew parallels between the images of Floyd’s suffering under the knee of the police, and similar choke holds used ... Apartheid Israel and US police
Statement of Support for the 6th Annual Cairo International Conference and Liberation Forum

The International Jewish Solidarity Network (IJSN) is a growing network of Jews whose identities are not based on Zionism but on long histories of Jewish participation in liberation struggles from Eastern Europe and Iraq to Brooklyn. IJSN’s participation in this conference reflects our commitment to these legacies and to our participation in current struggles against colonization and imperialism. Central to this commitment is solidarity with Arab liberation struggles against US imperialism and Zionism.

IJAN Stands with Angela Davis
  To be Anti-Racist, you must be Anti-Zionist The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network applauds Dr. Angela Davis’ uncompromising commitment to liberation for all people.   We see in the recent revocation by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute of Dr. Angela Davis’ honorary award a renewed effort to discredit activists, academics, and anyone else who aligns ... IJAN Stands with Angela Davis


Standing for Palestinian lives, land, and liberation is not antisemitic. It’s part of the fight against racism.
To be anti-racist one must also be anti-Zionist In 2023, the long-term lobbying efforts of Zionist organizations resulted in a U.S. House of Representatives resolution declaring that anti-Zionism means the same thing as antisemitism. Across the US, elected officials, government agencies, companies, universities, and other institutions increasingly use accusations of antisemitism to punish and vilify ... Standing for Palestinian lives, land, and liberation is not antisemitic. It’s part of the fight against racism.
SIGN THE PETITION: JCRC Bay Area Doesn’t Speak for Me
The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) has a known track record of not only attacking communities of color in the Bay Area but targeting teachers, school districts, non-profits, educational initiatives, and city councils. JCRC-BA promotes the silencing of people and organizations that speak up for Palestinian freedom and human rights. It does so by wielding ... SIGN THE PETITION: JCRC Bay Area Doesn’t Speak for Me
IJAN Bay Area Helps Lead Massive Act of Civil Disobedience at the Oakland Federal Building
IJAN Spain Marches Against the Genocide in Gaza
Invitamos a judías/judíos/judíxs de conciencia a unirse a nosotras/os para exigir el fin inmediato de la escalada genocida en Palestina. Si estas de acuerdo, haga clic aquí.
IJAN UK Demands an End to Genocide: Holds Protest Outside the Israeli Ambassador’s Home
On November 10, 2023, IJAN-UK held a protest outside the home of Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Tzipi Hotovely. The action added to the growing calls for an end to Israel's Gaza Genocide and called attention to Ambassador Hotovely's culpability for the ongoing atrocities against Palestinians. On 16 October Tzipi Hotovely, the UK ambassador ... IJAN UK Demands an End to Genocide: Holds Protest Outside the Israeli Ambassador’s Home




Click here to download the 120-report which exposes the funders of Zionist backlash on campuses and in communities