
IJAN Argentina participa junto al Comité Argentino de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino (COARSPP), el cual nuclea a decenas de organizaciones populares de lucha anti-imperialista y por los derechos humanos en Argentina.

IJAN Argentina participates in the Committee of Solidarity with the Palestinian People of Argentina (COARSPP), which consists of dozens of grassroots anti-imperialist and human rights organizations in Argentina.

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IJAN and MXGM Delegation to Argentina and Venezuela

InArgentina, IJAN presented with the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement atthe Universidad Popular Madres Plaza de Mayo. The university wasfounded by those involved in the movement of mothers to identify andhold the government accountable for the "disappearance" of theirloved ones during the military dictatorship of the late 70s and early80s. In spite of a subway strike and the plumbing in the building notworking, we had an audience of 50 who listened with rapt attention.We presented with and were hosted by the Departmentof Genocide and Social Forces.

InVenezuela IJAN and MXGM had the opportunity to learn from and shareinformation with grassroots activists that are part of therevolution. Participants witnessed the opening day of apartments foralmost a thousand people, spoke at a university in the heart of the Afro-Venezuelan communities, were interviewed on national and local radio, and spoke with social movement activists from a number of different organizations. 

IJAN Argentina Reports on Flotilla

IJAN in Argentina wasvery active in real-time reporting on the Gaza Freedom Flotillaapproach to Gaza and the Israeli attack. ( ).The excellent press release published in English by IJAN was translated intoSpanish in collaboration with  IJAN activistsin Spain and France, and published ( ).

Casi trescientos de judíos supervivientes y descendientes de supervivientes del Genocidio Nazi condenan la masacre de palestinos
Casi trescientos de supervivientes y descendientes de supervivientes del genocidio Nazi firman un manifiesto titulado ¡Nunca más para cualquiera! condenando la masacre de Gaza y reclaman el fin del genocidio del pueblo palestino. En la carta también denuncian el uso fraudulento de sus historias y biografías para promover la deshumanización de los palestinos tal como hacen Elie Wiesel junto a otros autores en recientes artículos (Ver, aparecidos en The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post y The Guardian. Por favor done para ayudar a poner esta carta en el New York Times.

Anti-Zionist Jews March to Commemorate the 33rd Anniversary of the Argentianian Coup

>> Click here to read the original in Spanish.

Throughout the history of popular liberation struggles, therehas been significant Jewish participation. This participation has beensabotaged by the historic and progressive ethnic cleansing of Palestineby the state of Israel.
In Argentina between 1978 until 1982 the Israeli government, theJewish Agency and other official groups have curbed the immigrationsolicitations of Jewish leftists whose lives were in danger in order tomaintain good commercial and political relations with the militarydictatorship in power. In the same period, Israel realized the sale ofarms valued around one thousand million dollars with Argentina. Likudas well as leaders of the Labor party were directly complicit in thisplot of silence.

Zionism, the founding ideology in Israel, has it's roots inthe era of European colonization and disseminated a continuation ofNazi genocide. Zionism grew in the most violent and oppressive eventsof the nineteenth century, weakening the numerous Jewish militantliberation struggles. Honoring those struggles and to reclaim thespaces of those vibrant popular movements of our time, Zionism and allof it's forms need to be abandoned.

Today we march in solidarity with the memory of the victims ofArgentinian state terror in the monstrous years of repression and alsoas Jewish with the people of Gaza and all of Palestine, victims ofIsraeli state terror, expulsion, oppression, torture and assassinationduring the last 70 years.

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