
Apres les Attentats de Brussels

Au lendemain des derniers attentats de Bruxelles, les attaques contre les Arabes et les Musulmans ont encore gravi un échelon en Europe et aux États Unis. La plus grande mosquée de Madrid a été l’une des premières à en souffrir. Le profilage racial dans les aéroports, les gares et autres lieux publics ne cesse de Apres les Attentats de Brussels

IJAN Statement on Attacks in Brussels

In the aftermath of the latest bombings in Brussels, attacks against Arabs and Muslims have again escalated in both Europe and the United States. Madrid’s biggest mosque was one of the first to suffer. Racial profiling in airports, train stations, and other public places continues to intensify. Our hearts go out to the victims of IJAN Statement on Attacks in Brussels

Business of Backlash Workshop at Cornell with IJAN and Cornell SJP

  Through the ongoing colonization of Palestine, the United States and Israel have developed expertise in repression. Movements for social and environmental justice need to address the ways the Israeli government and U.S. Zionist foundations perpetrate violence and repression in Palestine as well as the ways they use these tools to police marginalized communities in Business of Backlash Workshop at Cornell with IJAN and Cornell SJP

Business of Backlash Presentation in Minneapolis- April 30th, 1:00pm

    April 30th, 2016 1:00pm-3:00pm Boneshaker Books 2002 23rd Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55404     Across the country and, most recently, in the Twin Cities, the BDS movement has experienced aggressive efforts to silence critique of Israel and foreclose on effective organizing against zionism. Last month, divestment campaigns at University of Minnesota resulted in Business of Backlash Presentation in Minneapolis- April 30th, 1:00pm

Thank You for Contributing

We so appreciate your decision to make a donation or recurring donations to IJAN. This decision will allow our grassroots organization to develop critical and engaged research projects, to take powerful direct actions against Zionists and state violence, and to join growing coalitions worldwide to further the struggle for Palestinian resistance. All of this and more is supported by your Thank You for Contributing

Stop the JNF Campaign Presentation

  Download the Stop the JNF Presentation here (PDF) This presentation explores the history of the Jewish National Fund, the role it has played in the ongoing colonization of Palestine and the Stop the JNF campaign’s approach to opposing it. We will upload a powerpoint version in the near future.


No tenemos los elementos completos para avanzar hipótesis sobre perpetradores, tomadores de decisiones, vericuetos de servicios de inteligencia, manipulaciones electoralistas y otras conjeturas más o menos plausibles. Lo que es​realidad es Netanyahu desfilando con otros cabecillas del poder visible de Europa con la comandante Merkel a la cabeza, el domingo 11 de enero 2015 en la BAJO LA BATUTA DE NETANYAHU